Page 9 - 2023 Vendor Buyer Conference Brochure
P. 9

02:10 PM - 03:00 PM
          02:10 PM - 03:00 PM

  401: USFR COMPLIANCE                                           402: JOC 101

           REVIEW                                                This    presentation     will   allow    vendors     and
                                                                 procurement professionals alike the opportunity to
  Review  of  the  USFR  Compliance  Questionnaire               share their point of view on the JOC process.
  related to Purchasing.

                                                                 Presented By: Michelle Hamilton - Mesa Public
  Presented By: Caroline Brackley - The Professional             Schools & Taylor Perkins - Chasse Building Team &
  Group Public Consulting & Diana Kerfoot - Tucson               Bill Munch - Valley Schools
  Unified School District



            AND COOPERATIVE                                     404: DETAILED LOOK AT

            PURCHASING                                                 THE THREE BIG P'S WITH
  Cooperative  purchasing  groups  began  to  formalize  in
  the early 1990’s although the concept of joining forces              SCHOOL DISTRICTS
  with another agency to save time and money has been
  practiced for over a century. Today, there is a myriad of     In  building  and  creating  great  schools,  districts
  established  co-ops  offering  their  services.  We  will     really  need  great  vendors.  This  presentation  is
  discuss and share our experiences using a variety of co-      focused on giving vendors key insights into what is
  ops  and  the  benefits  and  challenges  we  encountered     THREE  BIG  3  P's:  PURPOSEFUL  (understanding
  over a span of 25 years. We will examine the roles (e.g.,     school  needs),  POWERFUL  (the  right  best  value
  value,  velocity,  cost,  expertise)  that  cooperative       product/service) , and PROPER  (compliant, ethical,
  purchasing plays within the procurement function. Our         timely) communications with District end users and
  presentation will cover the importance of ensuring legal      purchasing  looks  like  in  today's  K-12  school
  compliance,  open  competition,  and  effective/efficient     environment.  Major  elements  discussed  are  the
  use  of  time  and  resources  when  using  cooperative
  contracts.  Understanding  a  cooperative’s  availability     initial approaches to contacting schools, the follow
  and  appropriateness  to  support  an  organization’s         up,  the  contract  and  non-contract  quote  process,
  purchasing function will also be discussed. Since not all     and  the  most  critical  and  often  overlooked  "now
  cooperative  purchasing  groups  are  created  the  same,     that  I  have  a  PO"  what  are  the  expectations  now
  we  will  highlight  the  importance  of  conducting  a  due  and in the future. Interwoven in this presentation is
  diligence process. This is to ensure the right co-op and      discussion  on  latest  ARS  regarding  conflict  of
  cooperative  contracts  are  being  utilized  within  the     interest, gifts and donations, etc.

                                                                Presented By: Mark Kinsey - Professional Group
  Presented By: Laura Szymanoski - Deer Valley                  Public Consulting & Cindi Hostetler - Tempe Union
  Unified School District & Rebecca Seifert - 1GPA &            School District
  Jen Stam - 1GPA
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