Page 46 - The EDGE Spring 2022
P. 46

It’s Easy and Beneficial to Use E-Procurement


        committee,  each  would  need to have copies.  Vendors  Advantages include making multiple agency solicitations
        save the cost of printing, binders and mailing. Previously,  at the same time, plus the ease of managing commodity
        maybe they weren’t sure the mail got there on time.”    codes. Electronic communications makes it easier
                                                                because you can route questions to the experts, plus a
        Benefits  for  schools  include  the  ease  of  issuing  a  timeline  for  questions  and  answers  and  a  calendar  of
        solicitation, Hamilton said. “I can build it and write it  events. Email notifications go out electronically. Maybe
        and it can all be done in the program,” she said. “A real  best of all – less worry.
        benefit  is  time  management.  It  helps  with  evaluating.
        It highlights the low vendor, the second low vendor,  Where can vendors go for assistance?  The presenters
        minority-owned businesses, how many vendors it went  suggested –  for  frequently asked
        to, how many downloaded it and how many responded.  questions  contact  webmaster. Also,  Bonfire  for  a  live
        It’s all done automatically.  A lot of tasks are done  chat or tutorials, and Opengov – it’s considered the “Blue
        automatically, tasks that we used to do by hand.”       Button” for instant help with frequently asked questions.

        In addition, you don’t need separate meetings. Hamilton  School districts should consider whether they are going
        explained: “We can talk in real time. Vendors can ask  to receive bids electronically, physically or by a hybrid
        questions and get answers in real time, rather than  method. Other things to consider: how do you intend to
        questioning something in an email. They can get answers  evaluate the bids, do you want to include the contract
        sent right back.”                                       management portion, what about your budget, and do
                                                                you need buy-in from staff and district officials?.

                                                                The presenters closed with a series of tips for successful
                                                 SAFE, AND      implementation of utilizing technology in procurement.
                         MAKING THE             DISTRACTION
                        CAFETERIA THE              FREE
                        HAPPIEST PLACE          ENVIRONMENTS     •  Review your boilerplate and make any changes in
                         IN SCHOOL              TO ENHANCE          reference to how bids are received.
                                                 LEARNING        •  Determine the platform for holding pre-bids and
                                                                    bid openings.
                                                                 •  Have instructions on your website.
                                                                 •  Notify vendors on the system and instructions
                                                                    how to register     .
                                                                 •  Train vendors on the new platform and the
                    Your K12 dream team for dining                  expectations  and  differences  in  responding
                  services and facilities management                electronically.
                                                                 •  Identify user roles and train appropriately.

                                                                Diana Kerfoot can be reached at:
                                                CUSTOMIZED      Cindi Hostetler can be reached at:
                          FUN AND                 FACILITY
                         INNOVATIVE              PROGRAMS       Michelle Hamilton can be reached at:
                         PROGRAMS                BASED ON
                                                CLIENT NEEDS

                     Cherryl Paul           Nikki Crider
           For more
          information   Chartwells Regional Sales Director  SSC Regional Sales Director
           please    e.  e.
           contact:  c. 623.293.0671        c. 480.861.6109

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