Page 4 - 65th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
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Wednesday's Pre-Conference Agenda
July 18, 2018
Join Us for Thought-Provoking Pre-Conference Workshops
The pre-conference workshops offer you the opportunity to study one topic or issues of current
interest in greater depth than is possible in a breakout session. The pre-conference work-
shops will be held on Wednesday, July 18. Space is limited. Be sure to sign up early. All are
welcome. Pre-Conference are offered for an additional price. Discounted Rate for attending two.
Pre 1 Pre 2
“Boilerplate Provisions: Ease or Disease?” Business Office Casualties: Turn Mission Failures
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM into Mission Success
“Did you ever wonder if the standard language 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
in an agreement was really standard? Is the The business office is charged with ensuring that
agreement harmless to sign if everyone says District and public resources are managed re-
‘that language is in all our agreements’? Is the sponsibly. Mistakes in the business office not only
agreement designed for a private business rath- cost the District money, but also impair District
er than a public entity? Why do you need a law- operations. This fast-paced session will cover a
yer to review it…did the lawyer’s union require number of scenarios surrounding the most com-
that? We will answer these questions and your mon mistakes coming out of the business office
questions in our boilerplate language primer. If including, but not limited to contracts, payroll,
not, we look forward to an interactive discussion conflicts of interest, procurement, and the like.
about contract provisions school district business Come and gather the intel that will have your
officials face everyday.” business office running like the special opera-
Presented by: Ernest Calderon - Calderon Law Of- tions team that it is.
fices, P.L.C. & Charity Clark - Charity Clark Law Presented by: Jessica Sanchez & Candy Pardee -
Udall, Shumway PC
Pre 3 Pre 4
Infinite Visions with Advanced Tips/Tricks Drones on the Battlefield, Dashboards in the
1:00 PM - 4:30 PM Boardroom
Are you new to working with Infinite Visions, or 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
has your role changed recently? Have you been Advances in technology are impacting how we live and
using the application for some time, and won- work. In this presentation you will see how new tools
dering about new features or tailoring setup to are streamlining the decision making process and how
optimize processes and policies? you engage and inform your stakeholders. See how data
This session includes specific focus in the follow- impacts decisions at the Legislature all the way to the
ing Infinite Visions finance and personnel areas: citizens of your school district. When the newspapers
and the TV stations want data who do they call? They
call Anabel at AASBO/ASBA. Dashboards, Data Visual-
1. Best practices in using electronic personnel izations and Business Intelligence Objects are increas-
action requests to manage your district’s po- ing the power of your data and are readily available.
sition inventory. Learn how to access Statewide information and ana-
2. Expense reimbursement including specific lyze your own data through the use of dashboards and
setup and configuration for travel and other other Business Intelligence Objects. There are tools
district uses. that are ready to use or the option to custom build your
3. How to use warehouse features for non-sup- own personal solutions. How effective are our trans-
ply items with chargebacks, such as trans- portation routes? How competitive is our compensation
package? How do we utilize our dollars to maximize
portation or print shop requests. achievement? How will pending legislation impact our
4. Best practices for purchase order revisions district? Find the answers to these questions and many
from an audit perspective. more by attending this Pre-Conference Session.
Presented by: Diana Betancourt & Kimberly Bal- Presented by: Dr. Chuck Essigs - AASBO, Dr. Ana-
entine - Tyler Technologies bel Aportela - AASBO/ASBA, Jeremy Calles - Tolleson
Union High School District, Brian Mee & Melissa Hig-
don - Forecast5 Analytics, Inc. 4