Page 6 - 65th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 6

Thursday's  Agenda

                                                  July 19, 2018

        Morning activitieS

        7:00 am - 8:30 am                                       aaSBo exPoSition
        Grab a bite from our fabulous continental breakfast     8:00 am - 11:00 am
        or head over to one of these morning exercise ac-       Arizona Ballroom, Conference
        tivities!                                               Center Foyer, and Ania Terrace

               Body WorkS + core                                One  of  the  highlights  of  the  65th  Annual
                                                                Summer  Conference  and  Exposition  is  the
        7:00 am - 8:00 am                                       opportunity  for  conference  attendees  to
        Let’s burn some mega calories and feel less guilty      visit  and  learn  from  more  than  200  exhibits
        eating  trade  show  food  all  day!    Bring  a  mat  and   displaying  products  and  services,  including
        plan on getting a total body workout while sculpting    the  latest  in  technological  advances  available
        all  major  muscle  groups.    This  session  is  for  EV-  for  public  schools.  This  is  an  excellent  time
        ERYONE and includes a warm-up, strength and cool        for you to evaluate and compare as well as to
        down/  stretch  segment.    We  will  jam  to  radio  hit   speak to the vendors themselves. There will be
        music while having fun testing your muscle endur-       door  prize  drawings  throughout  the  time  the
        ance, some balance and targeting core stability and     exhibition is open. Admission is by conference
        power.                                                  badge.
        Instructed by: Christy Case Bushman -  Exerplay
                                                                     PLEASE DO NOT BRING CHILDREN OR
                                                                     UNREGISTERED INDIVIDUALS TO THE
                                                                                 EXHIBIT AREAS.


        7:00 am - 8:00 am
        Are you ready to party yourself into shape? Forget
        the workout, just lose yourself in the music and find
        yourself in shape at the original dance-fitness party.
        Zumba® features exotic rhythms set to high-ener-
        gy Latin and international beats. Before you know
        it, you’ll be getting fit and your energy levels will be
        soaring! It’s easy to do, effective and totally exhila-
        Instructed by: TC Gilliam - Licensed Zumba Instruc-

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