Page 2 - The Edge - BTS 2021
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              Winning                                            W          ellStyles™ is a comprehensive
                                                                            wellness program providing
                                                                            education, motivation, and
                                                                 actively cultivating opportunities to improve
              Wellness                                           well-being, mindfulness, fitness and
                                                                 overall quality of life. When employees
              Program                                            achieve and maintain good health, it
                                                                 supports employers in numerous ways.

                                                                 Our Pillars of Health are the foundational
                                                                 lifestyle components necessary to attain and
                                                                 maintain optimal individual health and wellbeing.

                                                                           Movement                    Nutrition

                                                                           Stress Management           Sleep

                                                                           Connection                  Toxin Reduction

               Valley Schools has
               demonstrated a reduction                          Get Involved Today.

               in health care costs by
                                                                 Contact us for more information on the
               $147 per employee                                 Wellness Program, and how you can get
               per month for members                             your team on the road to good health.
               involved in WellStyles vs
                                                                 Sheri Gilbert
               those who are not, which                          Marketing Director

                                                                 (623)694.4696   /

              = more teachers,
              more classroom $$                        
              and stabilized rates.

                                                          We are a proud strategic partner of
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