Page 4 - The Edge - BTS 2021
P. 4


                          BY KARLA WALTER
                          Get Involved – We’re Already Planning

                          Next Year’s Conferences!
        Karla Walter

        Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year!  I hope you  am doing the math correctly, 504 days since our last
        got off to a successful launch of yet another year full  in-person event, which some of you may recall was
        of challenges and uncertainties, but with a positive  our bi-monthly meeting held on March 4, 2020, at the
        mindset and energy ready to do the good work that  Black Canyon Conference Center! Little did we know
        you all  do daily. As I start off my year  as AASBO  at that time what was in store for us! Through those
        President, I would like to thank our Immediate Past  difficult times, we all endured extreme stress, relied
        President Lizette Huie for her leadership during – as  on our creativity  to a whole new level,  persevered
        most of you will agree – the most difficult year of our  and, boy, did we Strike Back! I am so proud of the
        careers and lives. Despite the challenges the pandemic  tremendous and caring work that all of you provided
        presented, Lizette continued to lead our organization  to ensure that our kids continued to be safe, eat, and
        by ensuring that we provided our members with the  learn. As our General Session Speaker Brett Culp said,
        same quality and quantity of conferences, meetings,  you are all Superheroes, keep shining!
        and benefits AASBO offers – all in a virtual format!
        I look forward to working with her and the rest of the  During the conference we also had another dynamic
        AASBO Board of Directors and staff to carry on the  speaker, Brant Menswar, who spoke about our core
        great work that she did.                                values  and to always do our work with purpose,
                                                                collaboration,  and with ongoing resilience.  He
        As we head into this new year, we are committed to  reminded  us how our non-negotiable  “Black  Sheep
        providing  the best educational  programs, meetings  Values” play an important role in how we act as leaders
        and conferences  to increase  your knowledge and  and help us identify what matters most in our lives. If
        professional skills.  We are very excited  about our  you haven’t participated in the “Black Sheep Values”
        partnership with Heinfeld, Meech & Co. to provide  assessment you can still do so at <http://worksheet.
        educational classes and workshops. The Professional>.    My  flock  of
        Development  (PD) Committee  is already  working  five values are Kindness, Solution-focused, Integrity,
        and planning next year’s conferences. If you haven’t  Teamwork and Service.
        participated  in the PD  Committee  in the past, it is
        never too late to join and get involved. We welcome  As part of my Conference  report, I deemed  it
        everyone’s participation  and  ideas.  Our goal  is  to  appropriate  to include several pictures that best
        provide the best service to our members that they  describe our unique Conference experience!  I hope
        expect and deserve and fulfill their never-ending quest  you enjoy!
        to increase their knowledge and professional skills.
                                                                In closing, I am most thankful to all of you for placing
        As your Annual Summer Conference Chair, I am happy  your trust in me to serve as your AASBO President
        to report that this last July we had a very successful  this school year. I promise to do my best and always
        in-person conference “AASBO Strikes Back: A New  keep your best interests in mind and in my heart! Stay
        Hope.”  It  was great  to  see  the  joy  on everyone’s  safe and do great things!!
        faces as we reunited after a long 16 months or, if I

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