Page 8 - The Edge - BTS 2021
P. 8


                          BY MARK KINSEY
                          It ‘All Adds Up’ at Marana USD #6

        Mark Kinsey

        For  the  past  five-plus  years,  Marana  Unified  At  Marana  USD,  our  Procurement  Department
        School District #6 has been tracking its  has created a purchasing approach that embodies
        individual purchase order cost savings through  compliance,  service,  and  best  value  through
        the Procurement Department taking proactive  smart and strategic purchasing. In our monthly
        and deliberate actions in conjunction with  “Procurement  News  to  Use,”  we  share  various
        its internal customers and vendors. Since the  successes – savings, cost avoidance, smart buys
        2016/2017 school year, this effort has created  – practiced by our staff members and buyers, as
        a  documented  procurement  savings  –  or  cost  well as their specific strategies.
        avoidance – of approximately $1 million. This
        past  school  year,  Marana  USD  was  formally                “How did you get district buy in?”
        recognized by  AASBO with a Best Practice                Identify, act, and track on your areas to save;
        Award for this work.                                             then, recognize your successes!

        Today’s school districts are facing an ever-            When  I  arrived  at  Marana  USD,  we  had  gone
        increasing myriad of issues in and out of the  away from bulk purchase of bathroom supplies
        classroom, a trend observed by school business  and  went  to  the  more  traditional  just-in-time
        officials over the past decade. With the public’s  purchase. Since we lacked a warehouse team, the
        trust and continued confidence among the most  thought was that this would not be cost-effective.
        critical elements for success and responding to  Within the first six months of arriving at Marana,
        these challenges, all school business officials and  we began working to lock in large bulk pricing
        district leadership must lead the way by pursuing  for bathroom supplies and copier paper.  These
        best business practices with transparency.              were things we knew we could easily store and
                                                                                   deliver to each school/site with
                                                                                   our small warehouse team.
                                                                                   This  was  the  jump-start  to
                                                                                   begin thinking about all of our
                                                                                   purchases in a different way!

                                                                                   From  analytical  reviews  of
                                                                                   specifications  and  cooperative
                                                                                   contracts – from new buses
                                                                                   to the smallest of classroom
                                                                                   supply items – to seeking
                                                                                   new vendors, our team of
                                                                                   buyers and 30-plus school/site
                                                                                   purchasers worked together

                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 11

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