Page 11 - The Edge - BTS 2021
P. 11

It 'All Adds Up' at Marana USD #6


        to  find  common  ground  and  obtain  items  on  district. Lauren created a strategy to purchase
        compliant contracts or special formal quotes just  PPE supplies and assets at best price and best
        for that particular purchase. Savings is tracked  value (longer life) that met the district’s needs.
        when anyone of our team member has secured a  She applied the same cost-saving skills to
        purchase.                                               solicit for printing all types of district signage,
                                                                marketing materials and classroom documents.
        “The point here is that small victories of cost  We believe this effort saves us from 5% to 20%
        savings and cost avoidance ALL ADD UP!”                 per item depending on the category of use.

        Each of our team members started to ask  Stacie, also a former bookstore manager,
        similar questions on our purchases of goods and  saw the good things that were happening and
        services, like: “How can we do this differently  applied for a Procurement Specialist position
        to  be  more  efficient  and/or  save  money?”  Eva,  that  oversees  formal  quotes  and  fixed  assets.
        who has been with the district for over 20 years,  Within a short time, Stacie was busy working
        has seen tremendous change in all of our internal  on the sale of surplus items from the soon-to-be
        customer’s view on purchasing. She has seen  demolished  transportation  offices  and  garage.
        secretaries contacting her and asking her about  Stacie recognized the value of excess furniture
        other purchase options that might save the  and other equipment items and worked to have
        district dollars or be a better long-term value. Eva  those assets moved to other schools/sites (cost
        starting doing more formal quotes on common  avoidance).  Additionally, she developed a
        items and services where she knew savings and  strategy to maximize the auction of items such
        best value could be achieved.  Working closely  as surplus HVAC, vehicle lifts, and more.
        with the Facilities Department, Eva sourced all
        types of supplies and equipment from a variety  Nearly all of the schools and departments have
        of vendors and saved tens of thousands of dollars  witnessed  significant  savings  because  they
        on  equipment  and supplies  for the district’s  explored other options, asked other schools how
        new CSTEM school, new grades 7-8 modular  they purchased something, and engaged our
        addition, and also the new Transportation Center.       district buyers by asking: “How can we save
                                                                some money to put back in the classroom?”
        “…this effort has created a documented
                                                                So,  you  see:  “It  truly  does  ALL  ADD  UP  at
        procurement savings – or cost avoidance
                                                                Marana Unified School District. We think it will
        – of approximately $1 million.”                         for you as well!”

        Another Procurement team member, Lauren,
        noticed a shift in culture from over the past five      Mark Kinsey, Director of Procurement, Marana Unified School
        years. Previously the bookstore manager at one          District, can be reached at:
        of the high schools, she hit the ground running
        in February 2020, overseeing a variety of
        purchasing duties, including the critical Personal
        Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements in the

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