Page 15 - The Edge - BTS 2021
P. 15

State Auditors Are There to Help with
        Procurement Rules and Regulations                         Benson Systems is a provider of Life Safety, Security, Low
                                                                  Benson Systems is a provider of Life Safety, Security, Low
        CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12                                   Voltage Building Technologies, and HVAC systems, offering
                                                                 Voltage Building Technologies, and HVAC systems, offering
                                                                  Benson Systems is a provider of Life Safety, Security, Low
                                                                  a complete suite of services including Design, Installation,
                                                                  a complete suite of services including Design, Installation,
        purchasing for only valid public purposes                Voltage Building Technologies, and HVAC systems, offering
                                                                               Support, and Maintenance.
                                   Benson Systems is a provider of Life Safety, Security, Low
                                                                               Support, and Maintenance.
        and retaining receipts or documentation for               a complete suite of services including Design, Installation,
        purchases. In addition, remind cardholders they                        Support, and Maintenance.
                                Voltage Building Technologies, and HVAC systems, offering
        may be liable for purchases, Smith said. Set
        appropriate limits for charge cards, track their
        possession and security, conduct training based
                                  a complete suite of services including Design, Installation,
        on use and level of authority and maintain card
        user agreements.
                                                                Support, and Maintenance.
        Gustafson talked about transaction controls.
        Supporting documentation includes invoices,
        packing slips and receiving reports. “Employees
        should submit all supporting documentation at
        least monthly,” Gustafson said. “Vendor receipts
        sent electronically are acceptable.”

        She said examples of supporting documentation
        include purchase requisitions and purchase
        orders; invoices, packing  slips and  receiving
                                                                                      Security &
        reports; receipts for point-of-sale transactions;           Life Safety      Low Voltage       Mechanical,
                                                                                      Security &
                                                                    Life Safety
                                                                      & Fire
                                                                      & Fire
        claims for travel expenditures; vehicle license             Suppression      Low Voltage     Plumbing, Ducts
                                                                    Life Safety
                                                                                      Security &
                                                                                                     Plumbing, Ducts
                                                                      & Fire
        number or odometer readings  and transaction                Suppression      Low Voltage     Plumbing, Ducts
        logs, which can help reconcile supporting
        documents.                                                 The Benefits Partner of Choice
                                                                   More than 4,000* school districts prefer our industry-
        Make sure your district has a sound payment                The Benefits Partner of Choice
        process to avoid penalties or late fees,                   leading benefits education and enrollment support.
                                                                   American Fidelity can work alongside your current
        Gustafson said.  The  balance should be paid in            More than 4,000* school districts prefer our industry-
                                                                   leading benefits education and enrollment support.
        full monthly.  The process should include card             Health Trust or Broker to help with:
                                                                   American Fidelity can work alongside your current
                                                                      •  Comprehensive benefits planning
        user reconciliation, with support attached and             Health Trust or Broker to help with:
        submitted timely, and review online transactions              •  Guided one-on-one benefit reviews (virtual or
                                                                      •  Comprehensive benefits planning
        during the billing cycle.                                     •  Guided one-on-one benefit reviews (virtual or
                                                                      •  Ongoing employee benefits education
                                                                      •  Ongoing employee benefits education
        “Research and resolve all invalid or unauthorized          We’re partnering with school districts in your region. We
        charges that are disputed, but pay before the              can work with you too.
                                                                   We’re partnering with school districts in your region. We
        dispute or you will get late fees,” Gustafson              can work with you too.
        said. “Card purchases can be risky.”
        Among the possible red flags she urged AASBO
        members to be on the lookout for charges for
        meals already reimbursed, transactions of a                              Arizona Branch Office
        personal nature, like groceries or clothing, and                     800-616-3576 •
                                                                                 Arizona Branch Office
        purchases during non-work hours.                           * American Fidelity internal data, data as of 7/31/20.
                                                                             800-616-3576 •
        Excessive fuel purchases could be because a                * American Fidelity internal data, data as of 7/31/20.
                                    CONTINUED ON PAGE 17         SB-33181-0321                      American Fidelity Assurance Company
                                                                 SB-33181-0321                      American Fidelity Assurance Company
                                        Life Safety                              Security &                             Mechanical,

                                            & Fire                             Low Voltage                                Electrical,

                                      Suppression                                                                   Plumbing, Ducts
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