Page 15 - The Edge - Summer 2016
P. 15


                         BY DON HARRIS

                         Here’s What You Need to Know About Governing Boards

           Knowing the authority of Governing Boards – what they  Association, provided an insider’s view of a Governing Board’s
        can and cannot do – is helpful for AASBO members in all job  role and how district employees and staff should communicate
        classifications, from the lowest entry position right up to district   with the Board.
        superintendent.                                           Governing Boards only have those powers given to them by
           Under state law, Governing Board  members have the  statute, and those powers are given to the board as a whole when
        authority to approve or reject budgets, enforce policies and  acting in a properly noticed meeting, not to individual board
        procedures, purchase school sites and decide whether to build  members.
        a new facility, purchase books and supplies, curricula, codes of   ARS 15-341 lists more than 40 requirements for Governing
        conduct and dress, and disciplinary action against students and  Boards. The most important is to prescribe and enforce policies
        staff.                                                 contained in a manual developed by the Board. “Everything that
           For the most part, the Governing Board has the authority  goes on in the district is guided by its policies, from employment
        over a wide range of recommendations submitted by the  to use of facilities,” Contreras said. “It describes the purpose of
        superintendent and his or her staff.                   the Board, its vision and mission, how to communicate with one
           In a breakout session at AASBO’s Spring Conference April 7 in  another and with the superintendent, and the rules of order.”
        Laughlin, Nevada, Panfilo Contreras, owner of PHC Consulting
        and former Executive Director of the Arizona School Boards                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 16

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