Page 16 - The Edge - Summer 2016
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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 “There are a few areas where individual
When it comes to the budget, normally the superintendent board members are not covered, including
and staff put together a rough version based on goals set by the
Board. “For example, the Board may have a goal of reducing the open-meeting law violations and confl ict-
dropout rate,” Contreras said. “There is a line item in the budget of-interest. For example, if a member
for dropout prevention.”
It’s up to the Board to approve or reject the proposed budget, owns a business that can provide a service
and perhaps recommend changes before giving final approval.
Another area involves a district’s facility plan, which may cover or commodity to a school, they have to
such issues as when to repave parking lots, the need to build a
new school in a growing district, upgrading the cafeteria, and declare that confl ict. Depending on the
whether to issue a bond or seek funds from the School Facilities
Board. All actions recommended by the superintendent and size of the district, that will determine how
staff must be approved by the Board.
The Board also OKs the purchase of books and supplies, the much business the Board member can do
curricula and criteria for promotion and graduation. Contreras with the school. Also, using district funds to
recalled a district that had a strict grading system for its high
school. “The staff felt that the students couldn’t compete for infl uence elections is prohibited.”
scholarships because of the high expectations,” he said. “Their
GPAs were too low. The Board put together a study group — Panfi lo Contreras, owner of PHC Consulting and former Executive
that included parents and teachers. They reviewed what other Director of the Arizona School Boards Association
districts were doing and submitted a recommended scale that
was less strict.” The Board also has the authority to approve requiring
The Board also approves the purchase of school sites and students to wear uniforms, but that authority is often left to the
sets and enforces conduct standards for students, teachers and individual schools in a district.
administrators. Board members are liable for almost all school district
Under ARS 15-342, the Board may, but is not required, to actions, but are immune from personal liability for acts taken
have a policy regarding the expulsion of students for bullying within the scope of their authority, if acted upon in good faith,
and other offenses. Many districts have a no-tolerance and during a regular or special meeting of the Board.
philosophy regarding weapons. “If a student brings a weapon “There are a few areas where individual board members
to school, some districts require that student to be expelled,” are not covered, including open-meeting law violations and
Contreras said. “However, some districts don’t have that policy, conflict-of-interest,” Contreras said. “For example, if a member
but the superintendent can recommend suspension. And it’s up owns a business that can provide a service or commodity to a
to the Board to decide.” school, they have to declare that conflict. Depending on the size
Boards can also review the decision of a teacher to promote of the district, that will determine how much business the Board
or retain a student. “A few years ago, the parents of a girl went member can do with the school. Also, using district funds to
to the Board, appealing a grade their daughter had received,” influence elections is prohibited.”
Contreras said. “The only authority the Board has is to review the Contreras emphasized: “A Board member who attempts to
process and the requirements for that grade. The Board cannot speak for the Board, direct members of the staff or make other
change the grade. If the superintendent supports the teacher individual decisions without Board authority is acting outside
and thinks the grade is fair, it stands. But if the superintendent the law.”
realizes the grade was wrong, they can change the score. It is Advice for AASBO members on how to handle a request or
very, very rare that a district Governing Board gets involved in direction from Board members is to be respectful, repeat the
something like that.” request or direction, and respond that you understand the
Boards can approve entering into intergovernmental request or direction. Also, it is recommended that you advise
agreements and contracts. Such agreements may include the superintendent through your supervisor of the request or
cooperating with another district for transportation, joint use direction.
libraries and swimming pools. “My ongoing concern is that some school Board members
Governing Boards are not involved in disciplinary actions believe they have more authority than they really do,” Contreras
until the student, teacher or staff member faces suspension or said. “Often staff and employees run into that, and how to
termination. If the Board approves the discipline, the individual handle it. It’s important for employees to understand the role
has the option to appeal – to the Board that upheld the action and responsibilities of the Governing Board, what authority
in the first place. they have and how to deal with requests from the Board.”