Page 21 - The Edge - Summer 2016
P. 21


           BY DON HARRIS

           Expert Dispels Some Myths

           about WiFi in the Classroom

           With the growing need for WiFi access, school districts are   “Eventually, standardized tests will be delivered
        facing costly expenses and need to be aware that spending more
        isn’t always the way to go.                               on tablets and portable devices. Schools have to
           To help districts avoid unnecessary purchases and better
        understand the intricacies of WiFi, Ryan McCaigue, Senior   be able to support that. Nobody wants to interrupt
        Systems Engineer at Ruckus Wireless, dispelled a number of   the learning process. They don’t want teachers
        myths about WiFi in K-12 education during a breakout session
        April 7 at the AASBO Spring Conference in Laughlin, Nevada.  complaining that they can’t use the technology or the
           And in a subsequent interview, McCaigue said: “School
        districts and AASBO members managing costs of deployment   technology doesn’t meet the needs of the classroom,
        are challenged to provide top-level data performance for   or worse, it’s taking time away from the educational
        online testing and mobility in the face of austere budgets.
        More applications are moving to the Internet in the classroom   content they need to deliver. Make sure your
        environment. It won’t be long before every school has a one-
        to-one initiative, where every student has a laptop or portable   technology is as bulletproof as you can make it.”
                                                                — Ryan McCaigue, Senior Systems Engineer at Ruckus Wireless
                                       CONTINUED ON PAGE 23

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