Page 27 - The Edge - Summer 2016
P. 27


           BY DON HARRIS

        Workers’ Compensation Protects

        Against Job-Related Injury, Illness

           Laws that govern workers’ compensation are there to ensure  they must be asked if they want to opt-out of the program.  “I never
        that injured employees receive prompt care and   nancial support,  met anyone who signed that form,” Chambers said.
        but they’re also designed to catch con artists.           Under Arizona law, workers’ compensation pays 66 2/3 of an
           Dawn Chambers, Claims Supervisor for    e Arizona Alliance  injured person’s monthly wage,   subject to a state maximum of
        for Workers’ Compensation, told AASBO members how workers’  $4,428.91, which increases every year.
        comp actually works and what they need to know to properly   One of    e Alliance goals is to determine how a speci  c injury
        take care of employees who su  er legitimate job-related injuries  occurred and to help school districts take steps to prevent it from
        or illnesses.    e Alliance, formed in 1996 under a state statute,  happening again, Chambers said.
        is a not-for-pro  t that provides workers’ comp coverage for 226   A claim can be initiated through a workers’ report, a physician’s
        members, including 211 school districts, 13 joint technological  report of treatment or an attorney. An insurance carrier or a self-
        education districts and two community colleges.        insured employer must accept or deny a claim within 21 days of
           Workers’ comp is a no-fault system, under which the employee  noti  cation from the Industrial Commission of Arizona. It always
        forfeits the right to sue the employer and there is no payment
        for pain and su  ering, Chambers said in a breakout session at
        AASBO’s Spring Conference April 7.  When employees are hired,                         CONTINUED ON PAGE 28

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