Page 28 - The Edge - Summer 2016
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WORKERS’ COMPENSATION A carrier can request a second, independent medical opinion of
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 27 an employee’s condition “if the worker is malingering or is not as
proactive as they should be,” Chambers said. “Maybe they missed
two therapy sessions and the doctor reports that they’re not getting Local Knowledge, National Presence
helps if a legitimately covered injury was witnessed by a fellow better. en, somebody sees them picking up a 40-pound bag of
employee, according to Chambers. dog food at a store.”
Depending on the severity of the injury or illness, the school Questions arise about whether an injury or illness is work- Arizona school districts choose Stifel for strategic, thoughtful, and comprehensive bond underwriting,
district should try to get the employee back to work as soon as related. For example, heart ailments may be due to stress or nancial advisory, and school nance consulting services, which include:
possible, even if on light duty, Chambers said. at minimizes exertion. “Most likely it’s not related to work,” Chambers said.
the loss of income. e Alliance will assist in creating a light “But, in an extraordinary case, if an employee was held at gunpoint
duty program if a school district doesn’t have one, and will do an in a Circle K, it might be related. If someone says they have an • Comprehensive assistance with bond, M&O override, and • Expert assistance with voter information pamphlets
ergonomic evaluation to determine if the height of a table may have allergic reaction, how do we know it’s work-related?” capital outlay override elections • Updates on key legislative and SFB actions
been responsible for an injury, Chambers said. Regarding a heart attack or stroke, Chambers said, “Just because • Expert help with nancing strategies for various projects
“If someone says they tripped on a sidewalk, take a picture of the person was at work when it happened, doesn’t mean it’s work- • Topical seminars and policy discussions
the sidewalk and check to see if it is faulty and needs to be xed,” related. Geography does not deem compensability.”
Chambers said. “If you question what happened, we need to know If someone reports a hernia on the same day they feel severe
that.” pain, that’s probably covered. “If they report it a month later,
e employee needs to fully and truthfully report all injuries probably not,” Chambers said.
and illnesses to a supervisor or nurse right away. “A late report Red ags to be aware of include injuries that reported occur late
makes an investigation di cult,” Chambers said. “A week later and on a Friday that weren’t witnessed, timely reporting, employment East Camelback Road, Suite
it’s hard to remember what happened.” or family issues, prior injuries, pre-existing conditions, outside Phoenix, Arizona
In addition, employees must provide regular work status reports activities like hobbies, businesses, and sports. ( ) -
to the school district and maintain communication throughout the An idiopathic incident could happen anywhere. “A knee gives Bob Casillas Grant Hamill Michael LaVallee Bryan Lundberg
process. “If an employee says they can’t li more than 25 pounds, out or an ankle twists while walking,” Chambers said. “Where did Managing Director Managing Director Managing Director Managing Director
the employer may be able to accommodate that restriction,” it happen and why?”
Chambers said. “Make sure the injured worker is released for light An injury that occurs while at work and is de nitely not
or full duty.” covered, Chambers said, is willful misconduct. “If a worker intends
Injured employees need to cooperate with medical treatment to do harm to another person and gets injured in the act, that’s not
and return-to-work e orts. e district might be able to o er covered,” she said. “Horseplay is not covered.”
a temporary position at lower pay or a part-time position. “ e
longer someone stays at home, they may become less motivated to Dawn Chambers can be reached at: dawn.chambers@
return to work,” Chambers said. or (602) 222-3849.
Mark Reader Randie Stein Erika Coombs Sandra Day
28 THE EDGE | SUMMER 2016 Managing Director Director Vice President Vice President
Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated | Member SIPC & NYSE |