Page 15 - The Edge Back to School 2022
P. 15

JOC Procurement: What’s It All About Anyway?

        SFOB has been allowing districts to utilize JOC  rather to inform to help your district develop its
        contracts for their Building Renewal Grants, but  own strategy for JOC. When used appropriately,
        like the Feds, their preferred method is still hard bid.  this type of procurement can be beneficial.  Hope
                                                               this  info  is  helpful.  GOOD  LUCK  and  may  all
        One  last  thought  –  our  procurement  rules  place  your procurement dreams come true!
        a statutory and regulatory limit of $1 million per
        JOC  project.  That  is  unless  of  course  a  district
                                                               Bill Munch, CPPO, CPPB is the Procurement Compliance
        Governing Board increases or decreases that limit
                                                               and Training Officer for Valley Schools Management Group,
        via  a  change  to  board  policy. While  there  is  no   recipient of the 2018 AASBO Bill Lovett Award and the 2016
        limit  on  the  amount  of  increase  the  board  may   NIGP National Purchasing Manager of the Year. He serves
        adopt, I would suggest that anything beyond $2         as Vendor Representative on the AASBO Board of Directors
        million  or  $3  million  is  excessive  and  contrary   and provides consultation on public procurement matters for
        to  the  intent  of  small  project  JOC  procurement.   school districts and vendors across the state of Arizona and
        Too  many  times  we  have  seen  if  we  abuse  the   across the country. He may be reached at:
        discretion, it will only tend to give the naysayers
        an avenue to revoke the discretion.
        The purpose of my article was not to dictate, but

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