Page 12 - The Edge Back to School 2022
P. 12

JOC Procurement: What’s It All About Anyway?

        procurement  purchasing  professionals.  We  met        process,  2  CFR  200.320(b)(1),  price  must  be
        with ADE  in  June  and  prior  to  the  meeting,  we   the  primary  factor  for  selection. An  LEA  could
        received answers to various questions in writing        possibly utilize a JOC, 2 step process, but they must
        from ADE.  Below  is  the  written  answer  we  got     be able to demonstrate that cost was the primary
        from ADE as it relates to JOC.                          factor, and the cost was necessary and reasonable."

        "10. Is 2 step JOC process compliant since RFP          If  you’re  even  thinking  about  using  JOC  for
        step considers price as a factor?                       federal  projects,  be  sure  to  include  federal
                                                                EDGAR certifications that are required.
        In general, publicizing the requests for proposals,
        setting out evaluation criteria that includes price     When speaking of JOC, the question of whether
        as a factor, and selecting the most advantageous        or not districts can use JOC for building renewal
        bidder  based  on  the  established  evaluation         projects  (BRG’s)  invariably  comes  up.  For  the
        process  arguably  meets  federal  procurement  in      School  Facilities  Oversight  Board  (SFOB)  aka
        2  CFR  200.320(b)(2).  However,  keep  in  mind,       Division of School Facilities (DSF), I would be
        sealed bids are the preferred method for procuring      proactive and verify the process with your liaison
        construction  contracts.  Under  the  sealed  bid       BEFORE  utilizing  JOC.  My  understanding  is
                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 15

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