Page 9 - The Edge Back to School 2022
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Another Successful Conference – With More on the Horizon
successfully, still coping with staff shortages of workshops covering such topics as accounting,
from top to bottom. One of the issues we’re all business administration, child nutrition, human
concerned about is school safety. Our professional resources/payroll, IT, maintenance and operations
development team is looking at scheduling and transportation.
one-day, in-person conferences on cyber security
and school safety. We are considering making the So, let’s keep “Racing to Excellence.”
conferences virtual as well, but the cost will be
the same as if you attend in person.
While we’re looking ahead, I urge you to attend
the AASBO Trust Leadership Institute, which will award winners
hold its initial session October 12 to October 14 at
the Prescott Resort & Conference Center. AASBO
is partnering with the Trust to help new school
district business leaders grow their leadership Best Booth
abilities. The Leadership Institute consists of the Pueblo
two sections, with members expected to attend
both. The second is scheduled for three days next Vendor of the Year
June at Little America in Flagstaff. Each exercise Riddle Painting & Coating
is designed to encourage robust, management-
level discussions with peers across the state. William Lovett Award
Anita McLemore
AASBO will also be offering another Aspiring
School Business Officials Academy, starting next Pete Perkins Memorial Scholarship Award
March. This will be a 15-month cohort program Nicolette Gardener
designed to provide up-and-coming school
Member of the Year Award
business officials with the core competencies
Treena Bradley
needed to be successful with the ever-changing
needs of school districts. The in-person cohort
The Hat
meetings will include two or three in-depth topics
Karin Smith
each month, plus at least 10 one-day workshops
to enhance the content knowledge for the full
Chuck Essigs Service in Education Award
gamut of school business and support operations.
Jeff Gadd
It is designed for AASBO members in their first
five years as a school business official.
96 Certificate of Excellence Awards
44 Gold and Silver Award Winners
If that’s not enough to help AASBO members
advance in their careers, we also offer an array