Page 4 - The Edge Back to School 2022
P. 4
The Days Are Long, but the Years Are Short
Dale Ponder
It’s that time of year again. The time where the & Exposition – the School Business Officials of the
annual conference has concluded and school is back Round Table – AASBO: Together in Service for All.
in session – a reminder that summer, and maybe the
excessive heat that joins it, is nearly over. Often related to parenting, the adage of “the days
are long, but the years are short” can apply to
This is my first column as the President of AASBO school district operations, too. There may be days
and am honored and humbled to be able to serve when it feels like it will not end, and maybe you
in this capacity. I stand on the shoulders of those even have several of those in a row. At the same
before me and want to thank our Immediate Past time, the years seems to be zipping by as fast as
President, Karla Walter for her leadership, vision, stock cars zooming down the back straightaway
and guidance this past year. Our organization in the Daytona 500 (I can’t say that will be my
is very fortunate have had the luxury of great last NASCAR reference).
leadership over the years, and I look forward to
continuing to learn from her, the AASBO Board "As iron sharpens iron, so does
and staff, and the membership.
one person sharpen another."
I’d also be remiss if I did not take a final opportunity
to thank those responsible for helping to make the
69th Annual Conference and Exposition, “AASBO: With the hustle of the school year, some of us
Racing to Excellence” the very best. The Professional may look forward to those summer breaks,
Development Committee, the track chairs, breakout because that’s usually the time in which those
session presenters, our keynote speakers, the large and disruptive projects can be completed
AASBO Board and staff, our volunteers, sponsors, before we welcome the return of our students for
exhibitors, and attendees, together, you all played a the next school year. Others may enjoy this time
vital role in an exciting and engaging time in Tucson because it’s also when one can focus and catch
as we raced toward excellence. up on assigned tasks. You may also be gearing up
for an upcoming final audit, working to close out
I also appreciate the time that you took to provide FY2022, reviewing potential student enrollment
valuable feedback on the conference and its trends, or starting to determine how exceeding
sessions, which greatly helps the AASBO Board, the constitutional aggregate expenditure limit
staff, conference committees, and chairs to may impact your district without the override of
continue to further the experience from one year the Legislature.
to the next. I very much look forward to seeing
some of changes and improvements that Russell Some may even get to experience the summer
Deneault, AASBO’s President-Elect, and the team away from the office altogether, and hopefully
will implement for our 70th Annual Conference some of you were able to do that, at least a little.