Page 21 - The Edge Back to School 2022
P. 21

Wellness Programs Can Improve Productivity, Morale


        care during the pandemic and will continue to use
        it even with in-person visits.”                        “The healthier we are, the more
                                                               resilient we are.” – Kendall Taylor

        Behavioral health has become a big issue. “About 60%
        of employees are seeing a mental health practitioner at
        least once a year,” she said. “We’re finding strategies   Taylor recommended including a wellness program
        for dealing with mental health issues.”                in your benefit package to show employees you
                                                               care about them. “It improves employee morale –
        Strategies  for  the  next  three  to  five  years     it goes a long way,” she said.
        include: expanding behavioral health care access;
        managing  cost  for  specialty  drugs;  managing       Wellness programs are relatively new, and some
        high-cost claimants; improving access to quality       CEOs see them as something “warm and fuzzy,”
        primary care; and promoting virtual care, such as      Taylor said. She added: “Over a third of CEOs are
        telemedicine or other digital resources.               not  confident  that  long-term  health  benefit  cost
                                                               management  strategies  that  require  investment
        “By  investing  in  a  solution-based  wellness        are  saving  money,  and  23%  don’t  have  enough
        program,  you  can  analyze  your  school’s  claims    information. Employer support matters.”
        data,  help  employees  reconnect,  better  manage
        workplace  disruption,  and  plan  for  long-term      Bowler  recommended  such  things  as  hiking,
        savings,” Taylor said.                                 biking  and  weight-loss  programs.  “It  will  grow,
                                                               and you don’t have to hire a wellness person to
        Borrowing from the conference theme of Racing          run  the  program,”  he  said.  “Someone  on  your
        to Excellence, Taylor said: “Think of a wellness       staff can do it.”
        program  a  pit  crew  that  reduces  absenteeism,
        increases  productivity  and  retention,  stabilizes   Taylor emphasized: “In today’s tight labor market,
        rates and improves employee morale.”                   robust  and  customized  health  benefits  with  an
                                                               effective  wellness  program  can  help  attract
        An  effective  wellness  program  with  exams          talent, retain current staff, and increase long-term
        and  preventative  screening  can  save  you  $45      savings.”
        per  member  per  month,  according  to  Taylor.  In
        addition,  employees  in  a  wellness  program  in
        2020-2021 had 22% more virtual visits and 23%          Kendall Taylor can be reached at: or (623) 594-4370
        fewer ER visits, while costs for diabetes decreased
                                                               Nate Bowler can be reached at:
        by 45% and for depression the decrease was 54%.
        Stress  was  a  major  issue  during  the  Covid
        pandemic, Taylor said. Stress can affect insulin,
        which can push pre-diabetics closer to diabetes.
        “We can help these things,” she said.

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