Page 25 - The Edge Back to School 2022
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they have a cooperative contract, that doesn’t mean over $300, you could go to jail,” Munch said. “You
everything the company sells is covered. need to be aware – it’s not OK to give things to
school districts.” Furthermore, a vendor convicted
“Quotes should state how long they are valid, under the statute can be barred from doing business
Halsey said. “Many are shortening time frames with school districts for three years.
due to major shifts in pricing that we’re all seeing
in the marketplaces.” If there is a price change, “You can’t take school employees to breakfast
perhaps caused by a manufacturer, the school every week to discuss a contract,” Munch said.
district and the co-op should be notified. “Occasional business lunches are allowed.”
Douglas said Deer Valley likes to get multiple Munch’s advice to vendors: “If you’re going to
quotes to look at items from different companies. call on a district, it’s about relationship building.
“We have a variety because we might not award And not all districts are the same. If fact, they’re
to just one vendor,” Douglas said. “We could all very different.”
award to several vendors.”
Bill Munch can be reached at:
Munch said there is no limit to number of quotes a Joanne Douglas can be reached at:
district needs. In fact, districts are never required Dana Halsey can be reached at:
to get multiple quotes. But Munch pointed out
that a law passed in 2018 requires school districts
to provide a written statement documenting for SAFE, AND
the rationale and justification why a particular CAFETERIA THE FREE
contract was chosen. Lawmakers enacted that IN SCHOOL TO ENHANCE
statute when they realized that schools could pick LEARNING
any vendor from a co-op without justification.
“If you’re going to call on a
district, it’s about relationship Your K12 dream team for dining
building.” – Bill Munch services and facilities management
On the topic of gratuities, if an employee solicits
and accepts something of value totaling $300 CUSTOMIZED
or more, that’s a class 6 felony, Munch said. If INNOVATIVE PROGRAMS
it’s less than $300, that’s a class 1 misdemeanor. PROGRAMS CLIENT NEEDS
Nominal items given away by vendors at booths
are OK, Munch said. Raffles don’t violate the law
because everyone has a chance to win.
Cherryl Paul Nikki Crider
For more
information Chartwells Regional Sales Director SSC Regional Sales Director
please e. e.
Munch cautioned vendors, “If you give a gratuity contact: c. 623.293.0671 c. 480.861.6109