Page 29 - The Edge Back to School 2022
P. 29


                                                                                Michael Griffith
        How Does Arizona Stack Up in Funding,

        Teacher Salaries, Class Sizes?

        Even with substantial financial increases Arizona  one  had  specific  services  or  programs  they  had
        public schools have received, the state still ranks  to fund.”
        below national averages in a number of key areas.
        That  basically  was  the  good  news/bad  news  Another factor is being able to handle changes in
        message  of  Michael  Griffith,  Senior  Researcher  the way that educational services are delivered,
        and  Policy  Analyst,  Learning  Policy  Institute.  such  as  going  online  during  the  pandemic,  he
        At  the  closing  session  of  AASBO’s  Summer  said.  Regarding  predictability,  it’s  important
        Conference  and  Expo,  Griffith  discussed  the  that  administrators  can  easily  understand  how
        elements  of  a  quality  school  funding  system,  changes  in  their  student  enrollment  will  impact
        how Arizona  stacks  up  nationally,  and  how  the  their funding.
        expansion  of  the  Empowerment  Scholarship
        Account (ESA) program could impact education  Where does Arizona rank in per pupil spending
        funding in Arizona.                                     nationally  and  with  neighboring  states?  For
                                                                this  past  school  year  based  on  average  daily
        A high quality system means funding is sufficient  attendance, Arizona was at $11,599, just 72% of
        to meet current state education requirements for all  the  national  average  of  $16,022.  New  Mexico
        students, including seat time, the school calendar  had been close to Arizona, but the state put a lot
        year,  course  offerings,  class  sizes,  one-to-one  of money into education a few years ago, pushing
        computers, and any other mandates, Griffith said.  its  per  student  total  to  $16,404  –  nearly  $400
        Also considered are test scores, graduation rates,  more than the national average.
        and going-to-college rates
                                                                On teacher salaries, Arizona is at $54,580, 82%
        “So, is your funding sufficient to meet all those?”  of  the  national  average.  Griffith  noted  that
        said  Griffith,  who  has  been  in  school  finance  Arizona  “put  a  real  effort  into  taking  money
        for 30 years. “In most states, we have no idea –  you  have  and  putting  it  into  teacher  salaries
        there  is  no  connection  between  state  education  –  that’s  commendable.”  Even  adjusted  for
        mandates  and  state  education  funding.”  That  inflation,  Arizona  trails  the  national  average
        includes Arizona, he said.                              and neighboring states of California, Utah, New
                                                                Mexico, Colorado, and Nevada, Griffith said.
        On  flexibility,  Griffith  said,  “Districts  should
        have the ability to move money around for what  But Arizona has the highest pupil/teacher ratio of
        you need. Targeting money for a specific use is  23.5, Griffith said. “That tells me the state made
        not wrong, but can get carried away. At one time,  a  decision  to  have  larger  class  sizes  but  higher
        California had 90 different pots of money. Each  paid teachers,” he said. “Whenever I talk about

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