Page 30 - The Edge Back to School 2022
P. 30
How Does Arizona Stack Up in Funding, Teacher Salaries, Class Sizes?
school funding in a state it’s depressing. But you available. It is estimated that private schools will
are doing some good things.” be able to increase their enrollment by 5% each
year, which would mean that there would only be
For example, during the 2022 session the 2,959 open spots.
Legislature increased education spending by
$756.4 million, added $100 million for special
education, and appropriated an additional $50
million for at-risk students.
Arizona appropriated $200 million in funding for
school facilities. “Nationally we don’t see enough
money for facility funding,” he said.
Griffith painted an ominous picture for public
schools regarding the ESA program, which pay
parents about $7,000 a year to send their child
to a private school or to home-school the child.
A bill passed this year opened the program to all
1.1 million public school students, plus students
already attending private schools, Griffith said.
There are similar ESA program around the
country, but Griffith emphasized: “The Arizona
ESA program is the most liberal.”
The Joint Legislative Budget Committee estimates
that 5% of parents will take advantage of an ESA
in the coming school year, increasing to 10%
in 2024 and 20% in 2025. If that happens, the
financial cost will rise from $33 million in 2023
to $125 million in 2025, he said. If the numbers Griffith s estimated that if 2,959 students
increase even more, to 75% of parents in 2025, transferred to private schools the financial impact
the cost would soar to nearly $326 million, he to public schools in fiscal year 2023 would be
estimated. $19 million. The impact would increase to $232
million if all 36,078 students were able to find
JLBC estimates that 36,078 of public-school seats.
students could move to private schools because of
this program, but there are only about 3,000 seats “JLBC said there will be an impact on public