Page 36 - The Edge Back to School 2022
P. 36
Panel Weighs In On Hot Education Topics
Regarding the possible outcome of a 2017 lawsuit Assuming Republicans maintain majority status,
accusing the state of an unconstitutional capital Bebee said, “We’ll have some pretty conservative
funding system, Kotterman quipped: “You’re chairs in the Education Committees.” She said she
testing my crystal ball.” Emphasizing that he’s not expects more attempts to change the education
a lawyer, Kotterman said, “People with law degrees funding formula to benefit charter schools.
seem pretty confident that the state’s argument not “Really, the formula needs to be funded, not
that good.” Basically, the state is saying it has made rewritten to address inequities so districts don’t
a lot of changes over the years and has put a lot of have to rely so much on bonds and overrides.”
money into building renewal, so the original claim
of the lawsuit is no longer relevant. Bebee added: “It will be rough, depending on
who the governor is.”
Kotterman then thanked the Legislature for the
increased capital funding, but said it needs to be On school security, Foreman said he expects more
a guaranteed, permanent flow of money. “Now, funding for School Resource Officers, but not
it’s one-time money, based on the whims of the necessarily for counseling and behavioral health.
Legislature,” he said. He added that he has no ”There could be some hardware improvement,
idea how the judge will rule. like automatic door locks,” he said. “There should
be a statewide mandate to have some consistency
Foreman recalled a similar argument by the state on levels of protection.”
in the 1992 Flores lawsuit alleging that the civil
rights of Limited English Proficient students Foreman also expects some sort of parents’ bill
were violated because the state failed to provide of rights relating to governing board meetings,
adequate instruction. which he said have been really contentious.
It might codify behavior that is OK and that
“This is a little different,” Foreman said. “School someone can’t be removed for saying certain
funding on the capital side is something you things, Foreman said.
can actually document. The Flores case was
subjective. When it comes to capital facilities, Kotterman said he expects Republicans to pick up
Arizona is not in a constitutional state. Just read a few more seats. “More conservatives and more
the Constitution. It’s plain language. The state has conservative conservatives is not necessarily a
not met its obligation.” good thing for the majority’s agenda,” he said. “The
reason we got so much money this year is because
In the next session of the Legislature, the House of Democrats, not Republicans, because a segment
and Senate Education Committees will have new of Republicans refused to engage. As Chuck says,
chair persons, with moderate Republicans Sen. the Speaker and the President had to go shopping
Paul Boyer and Rep. Michelle Udall gone. Essigs at the Democrat store. And things there are quite
asked what issues the panelists expect – or want – expensive. Democrats have to get their stuff
the committees to address. together to be successful. If gridlock on spending