Page 38 - The Edge Back to School 2022
P. 38

Panel Weighs In On Hot Education Topics


        forces leadership to cross the aisle, we end up with  Bebee picked Taylor Robson, but admitted: “I’m
        better stuff. That’s my glimmer of hope.”               just guessing. It will be really close, just like the
                                                                presidential election was in 2020.”
        Essigs  then  asked  the  panelists  who  they  thought
        would win the primary elections for governor – less
        than two weeks before Election Day. They all agreed     Rebecca Bebee can be reached at:
        that Katie Hobbs would be the Democratic nominee.
                                                                Chris Kotterman can be reached at: or
                                                                (602) 254-1100
        In the Republican contest, Kotterman said he had no
        idea. “Flip a coin,” he said. “Karrin Taylor Robson     Dick Foreman can be reached at: or (602) 264-8396
        today. Wny not? Maybe Kari Lake tomorrow.”

        Foreman  observed  that  Taylor  Robson  had
        momentum and Lake had energy. “Yesterday was
        Lake – today I’m going to call it Robson.”

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