Page 42 - The Edge Back to School 2022
P. 42

How to Apply for and Spend Covid Relief Funds


        An  AASBO  member  in  the  audience  said  his         School  districts  must  follow  Uniform  Guidance
        governing board directed that 100% of the money         and  EDGAR  (Electronic  Data  Gathering,
        be  used  to  address  the  issue  of  learning  loss   Analysis, and Retrieval) to spend ESSER funds,
        during the height of the pandemic when schools          according  to  Akers.  Basically,  the  feds  created
        were  closed.  Requests  for  funds  from  various      Uniform  Standardized  Rules  and  Standards.
        departments were rejected.                              “Under  layman  terms,  part  of  the  guidelines
                                                                relate  to  the  procurement  process  –  how  that
        Burns  explained  that  at  the  federal  level  there   contract was procured, whether a school district
        are no requirements for how funds from ESSER            was  conducting  its  own  procurement  or  was  it
        1  and  ESSER  2  are  spent,  but  there  may  be      procurement by a state agency or co-op?”
        some at the state level. “However, ARP ESSER
        requires  that  local  education  agencies(LEAs)        Group  Master  Agreements  for  the  expenditure
        must  reserve  at  least  20%  of  awarded  funds  to   of  federal  funds  is  explicitly  encouraged  for
        address learning loss through the implementation        non-federal  entities  receiving  federal  awards,
        of  evidence-based  interventions  and  ensure  that    emphasizing the viability of cooperative and state
        those  interventions  respond  to  students’  social,   term contracts.
        emotional,  and  academic  needs  and  address  the
        disproportionate  impact  of  Covid-19  on  under-      Burns  advised  vendors  that  their  customers’
        represented  student  subgroup,”  Burns  said.          ESSER fund expenditures are subject to a single
        “ESSER 3 is a big bucket of money.”                     audit and extensive documentation requirements.
                                                                “Do not assume your existing customer agreements
        No district wants to leave any of its ESSER money       or your cooperative and state term contracts were
        unspent, but at the same time it doesn’t want to        procured  in  accordance  with  Uniform  Guidance
        spend it hastily, Burns said. The deadline to have      and EDGAR requirements” she said. “They may
        ESSER 1 funds obligated is September 30, 2022.          not be eligible for agencies to spend Covid relief
        The  deadline  for  ESSER  2  in  September  30,        dollars.  Confirm  that  your  company  completed
        2023, and for ESSER 3 it’s September 30, 2024.          the Federal Funds Certification Form.”
        “Obligated”  means  the  district  has  committed
        the  funds  for  a  specific  use,  whether  the  funds   Akers advised AASBO members: “Ask someone
        will  be  expended  immediately  or  in  the  future.   in  your  organization  when  the  governing  board
        Examples  include  signed  contracts,  purchase         wants  to  know  how  to  spend  ESSER  funds.
        orders,  requisitions,  and  credit  lines  established   Someone in the district will know. Vendors don’t
        with vendors.                                           know.  Co-ops  don’t  know.  First  step  is  to  call
                                                                someone in your district. That’s a good starting
        A  recent  report  from  the  U.S.  Department  of      point.”
        Education  indicated  that  nearly  all  of  ESSER  1
        funds have been spent.                                  David Akers can be reached at:
                                                                Nancy Burns can be reached at:

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