Page 12 - School Finance Manual 2023-24
P. 12

Budget Formula Construction cont.                                                                12

            District Additional Assistance                      Aggregate Spending Limit
                                                                In  1980,  a  new  public  school  funding  formula  which
            Just as there is a formula that determines the Revenue   equalized funding across all public-school districts was
            Control Limit, there is also a formula for Capital Outlay
            in A.R.S.  §15-961.  The  District Additional Assistance    established.  At this same time, Arizona voters approved
                                                                a limit on what public schools are allowed to spend in
            (DAA) is an allocation and, like the RCL, may be allo-
            cated  (in whole or in part) to either the M&O or unre-  a year.  This established a limit on school districts both
                                                                at  the  individual  and  the  aggregate.  In  recent  years,
            stricted capital fund. The DAA calculation is a multiplica-
            tion of the unweighted actual student count (100th Day   Arizona school district funding  has moved to current
                                                                year funding, meaning funding is based on current year
            Prior Year ADM) by the appropriate support levels. The
            2023-2024 formula for districts of 600 or more students   enrollment.    However,  the  aggregate  spending  limit
                                                                is based on prior year enrollment. In fiscal year 2021
            is as follows:
                                                                enrollment statewide saw a drastic reduction due to
                       Grade Level     Support Level            COVID-19 and the reduction in funding due to distance
                                                                learning.  Subsequently, in budgets for fiscal year 2022
                          PSD            $549.45                were increased to account for students returning to the
                                                                classroom.  In  2018,  the  state  Legislature  approved
                           K-8           $549.45                the continuation of Classroom Site Fund (CSF) for an
                                                                additional  20  years  (beginning  in  FY22).    Since  this
                          9-12           $600.86                was not sent to the voters for an exemption from the
                                                                limit, this action removed the exemption which allowed
                                                                these  monies  being  excluded  from  the  formula.  With
            The sum of the above products is the DAA Base. If a
            district’s student count is greater than 5% over the prior   CSF funding now in the formula, it is projected Arizona
                                                                school  districts  will  continue  to  exceed  the  limit.    To
            year student count, the DAA Base is increased by 50%
            of the actual percentage increase in the school district’s   make a permanent change to the limit, the State Legis-
                                                                lature would need to refer the issue to voters, or the
            student count.
                                                                legislature can override this limit annually by a super-
                                                                majority  vote.    During  the  56th  Regular  Legislative
            The final factor in the DAA formula is an increase for
            textbooks for high school students. Prior to 1984, high   Session, the state legislature approved the override for
                                                                both the FY23 and FY24 budgets.
            school students had to pay a rental fee for textbooks.
            In 1984, the Legislature adopted a compulsory educa-  Student Count of Less Than 600
            tion statute which requires students to be 16 or to have
            completed  the  10th  grade  prior  to  leaving  school.  In   For small and isolated districts, the basic formula per
            conjunction  with  the  compulsory  school  requirement,   student dollar amounts for K-8 and 9-12 are multiplied
            the Legislature commenced the process of furnishing   by the corresponding weights as determined from the
            textbooks  free  to  high  school  students.  In  FY2023-  chart in the Small Districts Not Designated as Isolated
            2024, the allowable amount for high school textbooks   table  on  page  8  of  this  document  and  prescribed  by
            is $84.93 per high school student count. It should be   A.R.S. §15-943 (for small school districts).
            noted that these provisions apply only to required text-
            books  and  related  printed  materials.  School  districts
            may continue  to charge  a reasonable  rental fee for
            other supplementary materials.

            Arizona Association of School Business Officials   |   School Finance Summary Manual
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