Page 7 - School Finance Manual 2023-24
P. 7

Budget Formula Construction cont.                                                                 7

            Maintenance and Operations Budget                   Equalization Formula

            The  Maintenance  &  Operations  (M&O)  Fund  budget   The Equalization Formula consists of the following:
            is where most of the day-to-day expenditures  take   • Base Support Level (BSL) (A.R.S. §15-943) (CY ADM)
            place. Typical budgeted expenditures include: salaries,   • Transportation Support Level (TSL)/Transportation
            employee benefits, supplies, utilities, maintenance and   Revenue Control Limit (TRCL)
            repair, and miscellaneous expenditures not of a capital   • District Additional Assistance; (DAA) (PY ADM),
            nature.                                             (A.R.S. §15-961)
                                                                • Tuition
            Although the  format  and formula computation of  the   • Consolidation/Unification Assistance
            M&O  Fund  is  very  structured,  the  process  of  deter-
            mining  how  the monies  will  be spent varies  among   These budget limit components may be allocated to
            school districts. Typically, the budgeting process starts   M&O or Capital.
            months before the budget year begins.

            The M&O Budget limit is based on a number of formulas
            which are heavily dependent upon the Average Daily
            Membership (ADM) (A.R.S. §15-901). The M&O Budget
            is funded on current year (CY) ADM. ADM means the
            average enrollment of fractional students and full-
            time students through the first 100 school days of the
            calendar,  minus  withdrawals  (A.R.S.  §15-901).  Addi-
            tionally, A.R.S. §15-902.04 provides an option to offer
            a 200-day calendar and receive additional 5% of base
            level  funding.  The  modified  calendar  requires  a  10%
            increase in instructional time.

            Arizona Association of School Business Officials   |   School Finance Summary Manual
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