Page 4 - AASBO The EDGE Summer 2022
P. 4


                          BY KARLA WALTER
                          Be a Rainbow for Our Students and

                          School Finance Education
        Karla Walter

        It is hard to believe that the school year is over  Laughlin, Nevada, for the always exciting Spring
        and we are already planning for 2022- 2023.  Conference.
        Undoubtedly, the past couple of years have been
        the toughest in our careers and together we have  In partnership with Heinfeld Meech, we launched
        persevered and acted on our commitment and  our updated professional development programs,
        creativity to do our very best for Arizona’s school  including workshops, on demand webinars and
        children.  Not  only  did  we  support  the  needs  the Aspiring School Business Officials Academy,
        of our students, but we also reached out to the  a 15-18 month program designed to provide
        parents, staff and community to provide services  up-and-coming school business officials with
        throughout the pandemic.                                the core competencies needed to be successful
                                                                with the ever-changing needs of school districts.
        Little did we realize that we would be providing  It includes in-person cohort meetings covering
        services outside our normal school operations,  two-to-three in-depth topics each month, plus at
        like  setting  up  on-site  COVID  vaccination  and  least 10 one-day workshops. The ideal candidates
        testing operations, expanded feeding programs,  are in their first five years as a school business
        provided outreach and social emotional services  official. We are also collaborating with The Trust
        for families in need, and the list goes on.             for a Leadership Summit – so stay tuned!

        As I approach the end of my term as  AASBO  I wish to thank those people who helped me
        President, it makes me reflect on the  experience all of  AASBO’s accomplishments
        accomplishments of this past year.                      this past year. I am especially grateful for the
                                                                work of the entire AASBO staff, the leadership
        After much uncertainty wondering whether  of the Board of Directors, the commitment of
        anyone would show up, we launched our year
        with our first in-person  Annual Conference in
        nearly two years. Our theme, appropriately named
        “AASBO Strikes Back: A New Hope” proved that
        we were ready to do just that by showing up in
        record attendance numbers.

        We also had record attendance at our bi-monthly
        meetings throughout the year both in-person and
        via webcasts.  Thanks to our capable staff and
        creative members, we were able to stage several
        webinars, the annual  Vendor/Buyer Conference,
        the  Winter Conference, and we returned to                                      Karla Walter and the Roosevelt Team

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