Page 5 - AASBO The EDGE Summer 2022
P. 5

the Professional Development Committee, the             It has been my honor to serve and I remain proud
        knowledge of all our presenters and instructors,        of the level of services that AASBO provides and
        the relationship and collaboration of our sister        how it has supported us throughout challenging
        organizations, namely the Arizona Department of         times to where we are today. AASBO has been
        Education, the Arizona Auditor General’s Office,        and will continue to be a resource to provide
        School Facilities Board, and finally the support of     knowledge and current information to make our
        our Strategic Partners and Vendors.                     jobs easier.

        I also want to thank my Superintendent Dr. Quintin      Together we must become more engaged in the
        Boyce and the entire Roosevelt team that help and       legislative process, provide relevant feedback
        support me in so many ways. Finally, I would            and perspective on how proposed legislation can
        like to thank all of you, our members, for your         impact school districts. Your voice is important,
        commitment to our association and for all that          so please take the time to let it be heard. In the
        you do to make public education in Arizona the          wise words of Maya Angelou, I encourage you all
        best it can be. As much as these years have been        to: “Be a rainbow in somebody else’s cloud.” It is
        very uncertain and challenging in many ways, we         certain that we will face cloudy, rainy, and stormy
        must continue to lead the way with great people         days ahead, but let’s all unite and be that rainbow
        doing extraordinary things.                             for our students and school finance education.

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