Page 10 - AASBO The EDGE Summer 2022
P. 10
There Can Be More Damage Than Meets the Eye
Ritchie Lipson
Concrete is the most widely used building material in concrete will often not result in a lasting repair.
the world, and if designed and installed properly it has Generally, the area of the damage should be cut out
close to an indefinite lifespan. Concrete is versatile – and a new section of slab placed. So that a good visual
it will conform to virtually any shape it is placed in, appearance is maintained, it is important to consider
allowing for creativity in design and durability. Its the size of the cut-out due to a potential mismatch in
simplicity ends here. color and appearance.
Concrete is subject to damage and deterioration If there is vertical displacement or a raised crack,
by several mechanisms whether it be mechanical the initial repair is often grinding of the two adjacent
damage caused by impacts, cracking or leaning surfaces until there is a smooth transition. This will
due to earthquakes, damage due to environmental prevent a trip hazard, whether by a heel getting
exposures such as chemical attacks, or damage due to caught in the crack or a toe of the shoe tripping over
improper placement of reinforcing steel. There can be the raised concrete.
many issues with concrete that are caused by original
defective construction that may be the responsibility Grinding is typically viewed as a temporary measure,
of the contractor. and eventually slab replacement is necessary. Cracks
are often caused by expansive soil. There may
Schools need to promptly act to mitigate damage not be an adequate thickened edge on the slab to
so that the appearance and value of the property is provide a stronger foundation and barrier to moisture
maintained and to ensure the premises are safe for movements. Verify that adjacent planters and lawns
faculty and students. However, most important is to are not being subjected to uneven moisture conditions.
identify if construction defects exist prior to the claim
deadlines created by various statute of limitations and It is not uncommon to see spalling or the breaking off
the statute of repose. If these deadlines are missed, of concrete chunks along the tops of walls or fences.
it is the taxpayer rather than the responsible parties This involves corrosion of the embedded steel. Often
who will have to fund needed repairs. the rebar, which reinforces the concrete, is placed
too close to the surface of the concrete and is not
One of the most obvious aspects of concrete damage protected from moisture. A patch over these areas
is cracking of the flatwork, such as patios and will do no good and the damaged section will need
driveways. Cracks are often caused by a combination to be replaced.
of poor construction and soil movement.
If the cracking is occurring along the length of a
If there is mechanical damage causing a spall, (a term concrete post which supports a fence, or along the
used to describe cracks) a mere patch of additional railing of a fence, it is highly likely that the cracks had