Page 14 - AASBO The EDGE Summer 2022
P. 14

There Can Be More Damage Than Meets the Eye

        spalling off smaller layers of concrete. Eventually a    • Negligence – 2 years
        repair is necessary.                                     • Breach of Contract – 6 years
                                                                 • Statute of Repose – 8 Years from substantial
        Here’s what you should do if you suspect the issues        completion
        are the result of improper construction? The deadline
        to bring a claim  for faulty construction is limited  It is important to have an outside forensic expert
        by statutes of limitations which depend on the type  investigate the  issues  prior  to  these  important
        of claim.  Many school districts  receive  an express  deadlines.  Most  construction  defect law firms
        warranty in their construction contract  which is  will provide this initial investigation at no cost to
        usually limited to one or two years. However, there  the district, and if ultimately hired will prosecute
        may be longer time  frames in which to hold the  claims on a contingency basis with no out-of-
        builder accountable for faulty construction.           pocket cost to the district.

        The statute of limitations typically begins to         Ritchie Lipson, Director of Client Relations, Kasdan Turner
        run from the discovery of the defect.   Arizona        Thomson Booth LLP, can be reached at: (866) 578-3328 x 317
        also provides an outside deadline date based on
        substantial completion called the statute of repose:

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