Page 16 - AASBO The EDGE Summer 2022
P. 16


                          BY BILL MUNCH, CPPO, CPPB
                          ESSER Funds and Federal Procurement Compliance

        Bill Munch

        Purchasing with federal dollars has become one  of  the  Arizona  Department  of  Education  and
        of the most challenging aspects for Business and  the  Arizona State Procurement Office on a
        Purchasing  Departments in our school districts.  regular basis to work in a collaborative effort
        With  the  massive  amounts  of  federal  ESSER  to clarify compliance issues and strive to make
        (Elementary and Secondary  School Emergency  these purchases more effective and efficient for
        Relief)  funds  being  infused  into  our  budgets,  everyone.  The  Department  of Education  serves
        compliance  has  become  more complicated and  as the “pass-through” for federal dollars and also
        critical than ever before.                              audits school districts for federal compliance.
                                                                The Procurement Office is the state procurement
        There are many more questions than answers. But  authority and while many of their contracts are
        with the help of AASBO and a wonderful group  NOT federally compliant, we are hopeful we can
        of procurement professionals, we believe we are  work with them to that goal.
        up to the challenge. To better understand federal
        requirements, we have put together a Task Force  As the  Task Force continues its work we will
        that includes the following AASBO members:              update the membership as appropriate.  The
                                                                information we bring forward should benefit
        Michelle Hamilton, Mesa Public Schools                  school districts and the vendors who serve them.
        Lari Staples, Dysart Unified School District            We are excited about the possibilities of this
        Lila McClerry, Phoenix Union High School District       collaborative endeavor. Stay tuned for more
        Gary Barkman, Mesa Public Schools                       information in the future.  As an added bonus,
        Roger Spivey, Litchfield Elementary School District     the Task Force will conduct a Procurement Pre-
        Laura Szymanoski, Deer Valley Unified School District   Conference presentation at the AASBO Summer
        Lourdes Banuelos, Tolleson Union High School District   Conference in July.
        Ken Carter, 1Government Procurement Alliance
        Claudia Leon, 1Government Procurement Alliance          We look forward to continuing to serve the needs
        Anita McLemore, Mohave Educational Services Cooperative  of AASBO members and its vendors.
        Nancy Colbaugh, Mohave Educational Services Cooperative

                                                                Bill Munch, CPPO, CPPB is the Procurement Compliance
        Many  of these  Task  Force  members  have
                                                                and Training Officer for Valley Schools Management Group,
        participated for years on the AASBO Procurement
                                                                recipient of the 2018 AASBO Bill Lovett Award and the 2016
        Rules Committee.  That committee remains in             NIGP National Purchasing Manager of the Year. He serves
        place and these same members will also serve on         as Vendor Representative on the AASBO Board of Directors
        the Task Force.                                         and provides consultation on public procurement matters for
                                                                school districts and vendors across the state of Arizona and
        Our Task Force hopes to meet with representatives       across the country. He may be reached at:

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