Page 18 - AASBO The EDGE Summer 2022
P. 18


                                                                       Mike Collins  Mike Fisher
        Why Schools Need a Great Preventative Maintenance Program

        The importance of preventative maintenance  policy.  They recalled a famous quote from
        revolves around one vital element – money.              Benjamin Franklin that applies to preventative
                                                                maintenance: “An ounce of prevention is worth a
        That was the message from Mike Collins, Pueblo  pound of cure.”
        Mechanical & Controls, and Mike Fisher, Director
        of Operation Resources for Littleton Elementary  Make sure your equipment is being checked
        School District, in a breakout session at the  before it becomes a problem. That means regularly
        AASBO Spring Conference.                                inspecting playground structures, replace belts,
                                                                clean coils and change filters on HVAC units, and
        It was emphasized that preventative maintenance  recoat gym floors annually.
        results in cost savings.  School districts that rely
        solely  on  reactive  maintenance  are  essentially  AASBO members were given some tips on
        waiting for a problem to happen and are constantly  the use of the Operations Budget versus the
        putting out fires.  Among the largest up-front  Capital Expenditure Budget when it pertains to
        costs during construction are for the equipment.  preventative maintenance. Under the Operational
        For example, HVAC alone accounts for 18%-22%  Budget, plan on incorporating and planning your
        of the total project. Other costly aspects of a  preventative maintenance budgets starting right
        construction include the interior and exterior of  after  the first of the calendar year.  That would
        the building, grading, parking lots, infrastructure  include such things as day- to-day operations of
        supplies, plumbing, electrical equipment and  your building and taking care of minor repairs.
                                                                It was recommended that you should seek
        Preventative maintenance is primarily protecting  operational assistance from your vendors,
        the life of public’s investment – those all-import  especially if you don’t have the tools to properly
        tax dollars.  Perhaps equally important, by  maintain your buildings’ equipment.
        taking care of your district’s investment, you are
        improving safety conditions.  When equipment  On the other hand, rely on the Capital Expense
        isn’t  working in  optimal condition, it creates  Budget  for larger, more  expensive projects that
        many hazards for students and staff, plus unsafe  require Board approval. That would include bond
        working conditions.                                     projects, ESSER (Elementary and Secondary
                                                                School Emergency Relief) funded projects,
        The experts’ advice: avoid problems before  and School Facilities Board projects. Examples
        they become a problem. Treat your preventative  include roof recoating and repairs, HVAC rooftop
        maintenance program like it’s an insurance  replacements such as a chiller or cooling tower

                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 21

        18                                                                             THE EDGE   SUMMER 2022
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