Page 12 - AASBO The EDGE Summer 2022
P. 12

There Can Be More Damage Than Meets the Eye

        adversely affected the integrity of the post, creating a   Whether  due  to  irrigation  or rainfall,  water  enters
        significant failure hazard. Railing failures can occur   the soil and dissolves chlorides or sulfates deposits
        due to corrosion of a metal post embedded in the        or the residue of chemical fertilization, or sometimes
        concrete or spalling of concrete adjacent to the post.   both. Unless a foundation is totally isolated by a thick
        Guardrails can and will fail. What could be viewed as   plaster membrane with no holes or punctures and is
        a simple issue, can be a major life safety issue.       raised all the way to the top of the foundation above
                                                                the soil, the soil gets into the concrete. It dissolves a
        Chlorides  accelerate  corrosion,  and  once  the       portion of the cement matrix and forms new crystal
        embedded steal or rebar corrodes it effectively cannot   deposits inside the concrete, causing initial cracks.
        be stopped. The rusting steel occupies up to six times   This continues until the concrete is compromised.
        the  volume  and literally  breaks  the  concrete  apart,
        spalls occur, resulting in chunks of concrete falling   Some believe we only have two seasons – hot and
        off. If not caught early enough, the integrity of the   hotter. However, at night the temperature drops and
        structure is compromised.                               during  the  day  the  sun heats  the  concrete  surfaces
                                                                drawing moisture  up through the  concrete  all  day.
        Soils can have corrosive levels of chemicals in them.   That  causes crystals  to form onto exterior  edges,
                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 14

                                         Water, Fire & Vandalism Restoration

                                                                                         24 HOUR

                                                           EMERGENCY SERVICE

                                                                     Mold, Asbestos & Lead Abatement
                                                          Complete Content Processing & 20,000 ft Storage Facility
                                                  Licensed In-House Construction Restoration-Remodeling Division

                                                                         Your Restoration is

                                                                                 Our Reputation

                   ROC #250660  B-1, ROC #153321  B-2, ROC #097838  B

              Contract #ADEQ18-186321

        12                                                                             THE EDGE   SUMMER 2022
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