Page 32 - AASBO EDGE Winter 2023
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Title IX and Sexual Harassment in Schools
School policy permitting, even if a formal Finally, please note that the change in presidential
grievance process is initiated as described above, administrations in January of 2021 means that the
the parties can, at any point in the process prior Title IX rules are currently being “re-revisited”
to the decision-maker rendering a determination, and are subject to further updates that may
agree to an informal resolution. This might include change some of the foregoing requirements and
mediation, an apology, an agreement by one or both guidelines.
parties to attend training, or a facilitated exchange
of resolution offers. Note that this option is not Jennifer Corry, Emergency Management Consultant for
The Trust, can be reached at: (602) 222-2140
available when an employee is alleged to have
harassed a student. In that case, the full formal
grievance process must be followed.
This is a brief overview of one part of the 2020 update
to the Title IX regulations — an update that runs to
more than 2,000 pages. If you are concerned that
your organization is out of compliance with the current
regulatory requirements regarding sexual harassment,
or any other provision of Title IX, we encourage you to
reach out to legal counsel for guidance.
32 THE EDGE WINTER 2022-2023