Page 30 - AASBO EDGE Winter 2023
P. 30

Title IX and Sexual Harassment in Schools


        ensure that the complainant has continued access          •  The  coordinator  must  also  assign  an
        to  educational  activities  in  an  environment  in         unbiased,  Title  IX-trained  investigator  to
        which he or she feels safe and secure.                       collect  evidence,  or  the  coordinator  must
                                                                     conduct the investigation him- or herself. A
        The  Title  IX  coordinator  must  also  explain  to         Title IX–trained decision-maker must also be
        the  complainant  the  formal  grievance  process.           assigned to review evidence or conduct one
        This  process  begins  with  the  fling  of  a  formal       or  more  hearings,  followed  by  issuance  of
        complaint  —  though  the  complainant  is  not              an impartial final determination in writing,
        obligated  to  file  such  a  complaint  and  should         along  with  any  sanctions  as  appropriate.
        be informed of this as well. If he or she chooses            (Note  that  the  investigator  and  decision-
        to  go  ahead  with  a  formal  complaint,  it  must         maker may not be the same person.)
        be  documented,  typically  lodged  in  the  form  of
        a  written  or  electronic  document  that  alleges       •  The  investigation  should  be  thought  of  —
        sexual  harassment  by  a  particular  respondent  or        and conducted — as an evidence-gathering
        respondents and requests that the school or college          exercise rather than a fact-finding exercise.
        investigate the allegation.                                  Determinations of fact are reserved for the
        Filing  of  a  formal  complaint  triggers  an
        investigation (discussed further below) — unless,         •  At the conclusion of the grievance process,
        per circumstances described in the regulations, the          the decision-maker’s determination must be
        institution does not have jurisdiction or there are          provided to both parties in writing and must
        legal grounds for immediate dismissal. During the            include an explanation of how and why the
        course of the investigation, the respondent must             determination was made.
        be presumed not to have engaged in the alleged
        conduct.  This  presumption  reflects  an  overall        •  Both parties must be offered an opportunity
        commitment to fairness as part of the grievance              to  appeal  on  the  grounds  of  a  procedural
        process.  Other  elements  of  that  commitment              irregularity that affected the outcome of the
        include the following:                                       matter, newly discovered evidence that could
                                                                     affect the outcome, and/or an allegation of
          •  Upon  receiving  a  complaint,  the  Title  IX          Title IX personnel having a bias or conflict
             coordinator  must  give  both  parties  written         of interest that affected the outcome.
             notice of the allegations and apprise both of
             their right to: (a) choose an adviser to assist      •  Finally,  the  educational  institution  must
             them  during  the  investigation  (each  party          effectively,  fairly  implement  remedies  if
             chooses his or her own adviser, who may be              a  respondent  is  found  liable  for  sexual
             but need not be an attorney); and (b) submit            harassment.
             and review evidence.

                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 32

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