Page 4 - AASBO EDGE Winter 2023
P. 4


                          BY DALE PONDER
                          Be Two-Faced Like Janus

        Dale Ponder

        Happy New Year, AASBO!
                                                                As part of his reform, Caesar instituted January 1 as
        Another  year  in  the  books,  folks.  For  some  of   the first day of the year, partly to honor the month’s
        you,  2022  may  have  been  the  best  year  yet.  For   namesake – Janus, the Roman god of beginnings,
        others,  you  may  be  glad  that  its  behind  you.    whose two faces allowed him to look back into the
        Regardless  of  your  feelings,  the  change  of  the   past and forward into the future.  Hmmm, a recent
        calendar  provides  you  with  an  opportunity  for     AASBO annual conference theme rings a bell.
        a  new  beginning,  a  new  outlook  on  life,  and  a
        chance for change. To accomplish this, you may          Anyway,  many  believe  that  when  it  comes  to
        want to consider becoming two-faced. Unlike the         human beings, the best predictor of future behavior
        supervillain published by DC Comics, who battles        is past behavior, while others believe that synopsis
        the dark impulses of the criminal world against the     to  be  somewhat  oversimplified.  Psychological
        righteous  path  of  the  morally  good,  I’m  talking   scientists, who study human behavior, agree that
        about being able to process the past at the same        past  behavior  is  a  useful  marker  for  identifying
        time as the peering into the future.  Be like Janus.    future behavior. They contest that the past can be
                                                                used for the future under certain conditions:
        The early Roman calendar consisted of 10 months,
        or 304 days, with each new year beginning at the        (1)  Frequent  and  habitual  behaviors  are  more
        vernal  equinox,  the  turning  point  when  daylight   predictable than infrequent ones.
        begins to overtake the darkness and the North Pole      (2) Anticipated conditions and situations must be
        begins  to  lean  toward  the  sun  again.  I  guess  the   the same as the past.
        Romans didn’t find value in the winter months and       (3) The person must remain essentially unchanged.
        just chose to ignore them. If you’re curious, mark      (4)  The  person  must  be  consistent  in  his  or  her
        your calendars, the spring equinox in the northern      behaviors.
        hemisphere will be at 2:24 PM (MST) on Monday,
        March  20.    So  precise,  right?  Thanks  Google.     So, doing the same thing over and over. If every
        Unless this coming legislative session gets a little    day I went to the same restaurant for lunch, ordered
        out of hand, we probably won’t call it the end of       the same food, and sat in the same booth, many
        the year by then. Over the centuries, the calendar      may predict that habit to continue and could easily
        fell out of sync with the sun, and in 46 B.C. the       “predict” what I’d do tomorrow.
        emperor Julius Caesar decided to solve the problem
        by consulting with the most prominent astronomers       In  western  civilization,  we  use  the  turn  of  the
        and mathematicians of his time. He introduced the       calendar to reflect on the past. Some of us use this
        Julian calendar, which closely resembles the more       time to resolve into improving a certain aspect of
        modern  Gregorian  calendar  that  most  countries      our life, and some are actually able to maintain that
        around the world use today.                             resolution for the first week of January. I applaud

        4                                                                           THE EDGE   WINTER 2022-2023
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