Page 5 - AASBO EDGE Winter 2023
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you. For us to learn and grow, we need to be able Unless you’ve got it all figured out, there’s
to investigate the past and use that information as probably something within each person’s life that
an opportunity to develop in the future. I think we they could find to develop and refine. If you’ve
want to be like Janus. Having two faces, one to look got it all together, then Einstein’s Parable of
at yesterday while the other is used to see what we Quantum Insanity is working perfectly for you.
could do to improve tomorrow. Don’t change a thing. However, if you’re like me,
and according to my wife, you have some areas
Perhaps not through a formal New Year’s resolution, that need improvement – doing the same thing
but my hope is that each of you have been able to over and over and expecting different results –
reflect on 2022 and found some ways to implement that can be crazy. Unless it’s NASCAR – that’s
improvement. This could be within the realm of the not crazy.
more “popular” choices like weight loss, healthier
eating, and more exercise. And that’s OK. It could So, be like Janus – be two-faced, but the good
also be something more personal to you, which kind of two-facedness.
might be minor to others. Whatever you identified,
you feel that this change could improve your ___________________________________
overall feeling and give you a sense of confidence Dale Ponder serves as President on the AASBO Board of
and achievement, which could easily overflow into Directors and as the Chief of Finance & Operations for Crane
other areas of your life. Outstanding! Elementary School District in Yuma
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student excel at their own pace.
Logicalis can help implement a wireless network from start
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