Page 40 - AASBO EDGE Winter 2023
P. 40
Some Thoughts on School Transparency
and Accountability
Ken Hicks
There is a long history of needing and wanting and then scroll down towards the
transparency in schools. Sometimes that bottom and click on – Budget. This will provide
conversation hovers around what is being taught the taxpayer with a lot of information, including
in the classroom or whose curriculum is the the process to adopt our budget. It also will show
school teaching, which I am sure is happening at a breakdown of where Dysart receives funding
schools around the state. I know it is in Dysart from and, of course, there is info on overrides
and as evidence, this year we have had more and bonds as well as a link to the Auditor General
people review in person our proposed curriculum spending analysis. Dysart, like almost every
than we have had in the last ten years combined. district, has – different financial reports like –
That is an amazing increase demonstrating the Adopted and Revised Budgets, Annual Financial
communities desire to learn more about what is Reports, Annual Comprehensive Financial
going on in our classrooms. Other times there Reports, the Arizona Auditor General Report and
is a conversation about staffing levels, or class provides information on Average Teacher Salaries.
sizes, or transportation, or administrative costs. Most public schools, charter and district, will
Sometimes the discussion is about wanting to see post the budget and salary information on their
what the school is spending taxpayer funds on. website. If they don’t, you should ask. You are
But, whatever the topic is, people have an opinion a taxpayer and deserve that information. I meet
and normally it leans to the side that they want with members of our community throughout the
more and they are probably posting something year and I normally start with showing them what
somewhere about it. is on our website and a quick tutorial of what
those reports mean.
I try to provide additional information and
resources to help our community post accurate Some people will want more information. Great
information. School districts receive most of their resources are available at
funding from either the local, state or federal This is the Arizona Department of Education’s
taxpayer. In Dysart, anyone can go our website at school finance site. For additional information,
40 THE EDGE WINTER 2022-2023