Page 42 - AASBO EDGE Winter 2023
P. 42


                          BY SCOTT THOMPSON
                          Running for the AASBO Board –

                          Top 10 Reasons Not To
        Scott Thompson

        Hoping  I  got  your  attention.  One  guarantee  I     the  unique  experience  of  running  the  summer
        can  make  is  if  you  are  involved  in  AASBO  –     annual  conference  two  years  in  a  row.  You  are
        you're busy. Wearing many hats, sitting in lots of      typically  only  responsible  for  this  conference
        meetings, and covering for open positions is the        once when you are president.  We transitioned
        life of a business official. The thought of adding      when,  in  your  tenure,  you  were  responsible  for
        one more thing is just not something most of us         running  the  conference  and  I  ended  up  doing  it
        want to do. So, yes you could find ten reasons not      twice. Even with all of this, I was able to maintain
        to do this very quickly.                                a  decent  work/life  balance.  AASBO  is  only  as
                                                                good  as  the  people  who  get  involved.  Please,
        Now,  let  me  try  to  convince  you  that  it  is  still   consider running for the board this summer and
        worth  it.  I  became  President  of  AASBO  over       you will never regret it.
        20 years ago (it hurts to write that). I had just a
        few years of being a business official under my         Scott Thompson, Assistant Superintendent for Business and
        belt. My twin daughters were born and I had to          Support Services, Mesa Public Schools, can be reached at:
        change  jobs  because  my  boss  lost  an  election
        to  Tom  Horne  (yep,  it  was
        2002).  With  all  that  going
        on,  I  would  not  have  traded
        my time on the board for
        anything.  The  leadership
        opportunities, the access
        to  colleagues  who  I  would
        not  have  interacted  with
        otherwise, and of course,
        working closely with Chuck
        Essigs were just a few of the

        In  addition,  AASBO  staff
        does  an  excellent  job  of
        supporting     you     in   the
        position. For example, I had

        42                                                                          THE EDGE   WINTER 2022-2023
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