Page 14 - The Edge - Summer 2017
P. 14
By Don Harris
School Districts Are a Prime
Target for Cyber Attacks
Ruth Unks
Every school district in Arizona, large or small, is the potential target Even if their network is breached, they feel they’re covered by
of a cyber attack, a risk management expert told AASBO members in a insurance. “You may have some cyber liability coverage, but you still
breakout session at the Spring Conference in Laughlin, Nevada. need to be proactive,” Unks said. “And if they have a data breach,
Ruth Unks, President of Timberland Consulting and former they figure they could handle notification requirements themselves.
director of Enterprise Management with Maricopa Community Actually, it’s a pretty extensive process. It’s not something you want
Colleges (MCC), with some 30 years of risk management experience to try to tackle on your own.”
and speaking on behalf of the Arizona School Risk Retention Trust The per capita cost of a data breach for public entities is $172
(The Trust), identified four misconceptions held by public school per record, which cost Maricopa Community College more than
districts when it comes to cyber crime. $26 million, Unks said. Other facts: education has become a prime
School districts, especially small ones, don’t think they are a target of cyber security attacks because they’re under-funded;
target for a cyber attack. “They think the bad guys only go after cyber attackers know school district IT departments typically lack
big players, like the Maricopa Community Colleges,” Unks said. resources; and schools would rather spend their money on students,
“Wrong. Or they say, ‘We have the latest technology and software
available to protect our electronic information and systems.’ That’s
what they thought until MCC was hacked in May 2013.” Continued on page 15