Page 10 - The Edge - Summer 2017
P. 10

diAZ BRotHeRS                                              “That’s what you guys do. You’re behind the

        Continued fRom page 8                                      scenes. You don’t get as much recognition as
           “Anyone can achieve a dream. If your heart is in the right place,   you should. You are a very important, integral
        then you can overcome obstacles. You can achieve any dream. You   part. Students will not be in a place they need to
        have to work hard. Attitude distinguishes a winner from a loser.”  be without your support. It’s the jobs you people
           David Diaz, the first of the Diaz siblings to become a teacher,
        said he and his brother try to motivate students by relating their   have. You guys are that secret engine in the
        story – “ordinary people doing extraordinary things.”        school district that makes everything go.”
           He said it took 15 years to bring the movie to fruition. They
        signed a contract in 1999 for $460, giving Disney the right to write        — Danny Diaz
        what they wanted. “The movie is mostly correct, in consultation   David praised White. He said he and his brothers wanted to be
        with us and Mr. White,” David said.                    like their coach. “Now, we coach kids,” he said. White took the cross
           The first time they met Costner, who portrayed White, David  country team to Seoul, Korea, so his runners could experience the
        was impressed. “He knew all of our names,” David said. “He did  track used for the 1988 Olympics, David said.
        his homework.”                                            Mentioning the theme of the Spring Conference – “Mission
           David said his first love is sports, but he always came back to  Possible,” David said when a school board or a principal tells you
        teaching. “We don’t forget where we came from – and that is what  no, there must be another way.
        Mr. White did for us. It’s what you do after work. He came to our   “Sometimes in your job, you feel alone,” David said. “But you can
        house. He ate with us. Mr. White was part of our family.”  do more if you try harder. We all have it in us to do a great job. They
           David is a member of the local school board. “Who thought  trust you to do it. You were hired to do a job.”
        I was ever going to be a board member?” David said. “I’m not a   David stressed the importance of attitude – and controlling
        politician, but I can make a difference. I’m an administrator. I’m a  it. “We’re changing lives,” he said. “Champions can come from
        competitor. I like to win.”                            anywhere. Kids can be a champion, too, if you give them the
           Being a board member adds pressure to do the right things for  right equipment. We’re not famous. We’re just like you. I’m a role
        children – always, David said, adding, “I’m sure that’s why you’re in  model. You are in the place that you are to make a difference
        the job you’re in. The focus is on the kids.”          around you.”

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