Page 5 - The Edge - Summer 2017
P. 5
By Ken HicKs
Summer Is Here — Keep the Light Shining
on a Brighter Future for Public Education
I believe St. Francis of Assisi
said, “A single sunbeam is enough
to drive away many shadows.”
What wise words – whether it is
shining the light on something
bad or signaling the start of
something good, like summer,
this statement is very meaningful.
This can remind me of AASBO
– we’re there to help drive away the
shadows. AASBO provides that
conduit of knowledge to make
things better and I appreciate all
that our organization has done
and will continue to do for us.
So, as I am coming to an end
to this whirlwind of a year, let me
thank everyone for all that you
do to make public education in
Arizona the best it can be. I think
this year has been very trying and
taxing in many ways, but every
obstacle and challenge seems to
be met with great people showing
and doing great things. I truly
hope that more people become PHOTO/DEPOSITPHOTOS.COM
engaged in the legislative process I also hope that everyone continues their leadership ways
to provide relevant feedback and understanding of how certain with empathy and building a sense of community to do what is
legislation can impact school districts. Your voice is important, so right. I think that our mindset is key. With a Growth Mindset
please speak up. (see Carol Dweck), we can develop our abilities and skills
through hard work and dedication that is essential for great
“So, as I am coming to an end to this accomplishments.
Also, I think it is appropriate to thank those people who
whirlwind of a year, let me thank help me grow. I contact people on a regular basis to learn from
everyone for all that you do to make them and I am thankful that they accept my calls or emails
and respond. Thanks to Jim, Laura, Danny, Mike, Jeremy, Joel,
public education in Arizona the best Annette, Jill, Jack, Tom, Ricky, Liz, Dale, Cathy, Barbara, Marc,
it can be. I think this year has been Sherry, Shari, Lyle, Courtney, Anita and Francie and to the many
more that I forgot to mention. And, thanks to the entire Peoria
very trying and taxing in many ways, Unified team that helps and supports me in so many ways.
All of these people and more have helped me throughout
but every obstacle and challenge this year. I can tell you that I am calling, emailing or texting
seems to be met with great people someone almost every day with the hopes that I will learn, grow,
showing and doing great things.” and evolve into someone better than I am today. So, please speak
up, build your network and let’s help change our landscape for
the better and drive away those shadows.