Page 7 - The Edge - Summer 2017
P. 7
By DaviD Lewis
The Final Frontier — Meet Former Astronaut
Mark Kelly and Famed Educator Fredi Lajvardi
This is always an exciting time of the year as we office on this program – our scholarship fund will
pull out all the stops in putting on our 64th Annual be available to AASBO members for professional
Conference & Expo! This conference is shaping development and to JTED students.
up to be one of the best and I am so excited to Through the generosity of AASBO members
hear from our two keynote speakers, Fredi and vendor contributions, scholarship
Lajvardi and Captain Mark Kelly. awards will be presented to AASBO school
Fredi Lajvardi will share his account district members and continuing JTED
of the story that brought national focus students to use for registering for classes,
to STEM education and inspired the workshops, and conferences. Awarded
critically acclaimed documentary, JTED students may apply their award
“Underwater Dreams,” as well as to their continuing education tuition.
“Spare Parts” starring George Lopez. Award amounts are based on the
Honored with numerous awards for current registration amount for which
his spirited passion for teaching, Fredi members are applying.
continues to serve as a prominent Our eligibility requirements
advocate regarding the importance of include:
STEM education nationwide. • Only AASBO members and
Captain Mark Kelly, husband continuing JTED students are eligible.
of former Congresswoman Gabby • Recipients must have their
Giffords from Tucson, is a homegrown district’s/employer’s approval to attend
hero who was a combat pilot in Iraq, the conference if selected.
an astronaut on four space shuttle • Each applicant should be an active
missions, and was commander of participant in AASBO meetings.
the final flight of Space Shuttle We look forward to continuing
Endeavour. Captain Kelly’s to build this program so that even
inspirational message will more of our members can take
show us how to accomplish our advantage of the myriad professional
mission while maintaining the development opportunities we offer.
love and devotion to family that As best exemplified by our upcoming
is the foundation of true success. 64th Annual Conference, which
Speaking of accomplishing is chock full of valuable breakout
missions, I want to highlight an sessions addressing all kinds of best
important new aspect we have practices across all school operations
incorporated into this year’s disciplines, the heart of the AASBO
annual conference, benefiting mission is to provide leadership in
the now-growing AASBO training and educational opportunities
Scholarship Fund. In addition for our members.
to the 50/50 fundraising we Thanks to our outstanding
have done at the Primo event last year and during Conference Chair Ricky Hernandez and
this year’s Spring Conference mixer – which have the many, many volunteers who put in countless hours
now raised more than $2,000 for the fund – we on our Professional Development Planning Committee.
are ramping up our efforts on the Annual Mike They have put together an exceptional lineup of programs.
Peacock Memorial Golf Outing to further benefit the I look forward to seeing everyone at the conference in
scholarship fund. Keep an eye out for updates from our Tucson on July 19-22.