Page 12 - AASBO EDGE Back to School 2020.indd
P. 12

Transportation Faces New Challenges When School Reopen


        “Consider multiple scenarios,”  Arbaugh said. “And each district   It’s important, Sorensen said, to communicate your PPE needs to
        should have a COVID-19 contact, a person who responds to   your Purchasing staff to make sure you have a sufficient supply.
        COVID-19 concerns.”                                     “That’s especially true if you clean more surfaces or more often,”
                                                                she said.
        Regarding cleaning,  Arbaugh said, “Be diligent, go beyond the
        standard — you can never clean enough.”                 Wearing a face covering upon reopening depends on your district’s
                                                                plan  or  a  local  mandate.  Sorensen  said  site  modifications  could
        The EPA website has a list of approved products, and if you’re   involve taping hallways for directions to, for example, cafeterias and
        considering hiring a vendor for cleaning, check their safety protocol   the front office, rearranging desks so they all face the front of the
        produces and how their staff is trained.                room,  installing Plexiglas barriers at certain locations, and putting
                                                                up signs to remind students and staff to wash hands.
        Sorensen noted that the CDC recommends practices for cleaning and
        disinfecting, plus steps to follow when someone gets sick.  When   “Get creative,” Sorensen said. “Think outside the box to make things
        using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), follow instructions,   safer by turning water fountains into hand-washing stations, because
        Sorensen said, or “they might not be effective.” She told of seeing   we’re not supposed to drink from water fountains.”
        someone spray a disinfectant on a surface and then wipe it off, but
        the instructions say to leave it dry.                   Share innovative ideas with other districts, something  AASBO
                                                                members do very well.
        Stressing the importance of cleaning and disinfecting, Sorensen said,
        “Develop a plan that includes daily practices, weekly practices, and   “Put your talents to use,” she said.
        steps to follow when someone is sick. Also, wear skin protection and
        consider eye protection for potential splash hazards.”  Stephanie Arbaugh can be reached
                                                                Kaylee Sorensen can be reached at:

         Having trouble understanding

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        You’re not alone!

        Horace Mann representatives have extensive knowledge of the Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS).
        This expertise helps provide you and your staff with a "big picture" view of how state retirement benefits and
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        Many experts say about 80% of your pre-retirement income is needed to maintain your standard of living
        when you stop working. While most educators receive a pension, it may not completely replace their
        pre-retirement income. Your local Horace Mann representative may be able to help you and your employees
        fill any financial gaps.
        Contact your local Horace Mann representative to request no-cost workshop in your school.
        Or visit http://

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