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                          BY JESSICA FRIER
                          COVID-19 + Affordable Care Act

        Jessica Frier

        Legislation, workforce adjustments and benefits  For employers choosing to measure employees
        changes prompted by the rise of COVID-19  monthly, COVID-19 creates an administrative
        increase the complexity of administering the Patient  nightmare. Under ACA  rules,  each month  that  an
        Protection and Affordable Care Act and accurately  employee works at least 130 hours, that employee
        reporting to the Internal Revenue Service.              is considered full-time, and, unless an exception
                                                                applies, must be offered affordable coverage to avoid
        Workforce Changes Matter                                penalty  risk.  With  hours  fluctuating  dramatically,
                                                                and employees moving in and out of full-time status
        Tracking hours to identify employee status under
        the ACA was difficult pre-pandemic. Understanding       on a month-to-month basis, employers may find it
        how to track employee hours for  ACA purposes           difficult to respond to ACA status changes in real
        during the COVID-19 pandemic is even harder. To         time, creating compliance risk.
        do this correctly, employers must understand the
        way the law applies to:

          • Reductions in hours
          • Paid time off
          • Unpaid leaves of absence

          • FMLA, USERRA, and jury duty

          • Families First Coronavirus Response Act leaves
          • Furloughs
          • Layoffs

          • Terminations

          • Returning employees to work after a break in service
          • Rehiring a terminated employee

        Measurement Methods Matter

        For  employers  using  the  look-back  measurement      Benefits Changes Matter
        method, hours measured during the 2020 COVID-19
        pandemic will have lasting effects well beyond 2020,  The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing employers
        because the hours employees work now are what  to make tough choices, including dropping health
        determines their full- or part-time status for ACA  insurance coverage, requiring employees to pay
        purposes during your organization’s next stability  more toward the cost of coverage, and moving
        period. Employees already in a full-time stability  employees into positions which are no longer
        period will retain their status as full-time until the  eligible for benefits. These personnel moves could
        current stability period ends. This means employers  prove costly under the ACA. In particular, employers
        furloughing or otherwise placing employees on  should examine whether shifting responsibility for
        leave may have a continuing obligation to offer (and  premium  amounts  to  employees will make their
        pay for) coverage in order to avoid ACA penalties.      plans unaffordable under the ACA. See below for

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