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P. 4


                          BY LIZETTE HUIE
                          We Are in This Together and Together

                          We Are Making a Difference!
        Lizette Huie

        Hello everyone and welcome to the 2020-2021 school      Virtual Annual Conference, also known as our Summer
        year! I hope this message finds you and  your families   Conference, to take place on October 28-30. The PD
        healthy and safe!                                       track chairs, committee members, vendors, presenters,
                                                                AASBO staff and Board members have been hard at
        Wow, what a year it has already been! It feels like an   work planning for the upcoming conference. A special
        eternity ago that we were all together in person.  As   thank you to everyone  who has contributed and  been
        I write my first column as President of AASBO, it is    extremely flexible with all of the changes. Everyone’s
        hard to believe that there have been so many changes    willingness to step up to the plate and continue this
        to not only our lives, our communities, education, but   quest is humbling – we will be ready for a wonderful
        also our nation since this past spring.  Just in education   Annual Conference. It will be different from the Starr
        itself, our worlds look completely different, starting   Pass Resort in Tucson, but we are working diligently
        with the way we meet virtually, to serving student      to make the virtual conference special and valuable!
        meals, and walking into empty classrooms on the first   Please be on the lookout for upcoming conference
        day of school because our students are online. It is hard   information.
        to believe that all of these changes and more happened
        in a matter of a few months.                            We all now have a shared experience of living through
                                                                a pandemic and now more than ever we need to use
        However, as I reflect on how difficult it has been, I also   this common experience as an asset, not a liability.
        reflect on all of the amazing work that is still taking   Regardless of each district’s unique challenges as well
        place. We’ve changed the traditional brick and mortar   as the pandemic, we’ve all managed to stay on a united
        to fully online classrooms, figured out new methods of   front. Let us not forget the reason we do this noble and
        cleaning and sanitation, and learned additional ways to   honorable work. I remind myself daily when I look at
        manage our resources to mirror the needs of the changes   my two children at home that we do this work for the
        needed. This summer has been extremely busy at our      future of our children, our communities, and to advance
        schools, but also with AASBO as we plan for our 1st     the American Dream.

                                                                From the wise words of my district’s Superintendent,
                                                                Dr. Manuel Valenzuela, “Let us remember that  stress
                                                                and strain are often tools for growth and creation
                                                                of  good  things.  Diamonds  are  created  under  the
                                                                tremendous strain of temperature and pressure.  World
                                                                class athletes build strong muscle and speed under the
                                                                strain of rigorous and stressful conditions.”

                                                                Let’s not be discouraged by these trying times but
                                                                instead embrace and celebrate the opportunities to push
                                                                ourselves to new heights of excellence for the students
                                                                of our state!  These times are definitely tough, but I
                                                                know that together we will come out of this stronger
                                                                than ever before.

        4                                                                      THE EDGE  BACK TO SCHOOL 2020
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