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Best In Class

            Employee Benefits Consulting

             BETTER EXPERIENCE                                    BETTER BENEFITS

             Since 2005, Valley Schools has provided              Valley Schools’ top priority is to develop
             employee benefits consulting to the Arizona          and support the best and most successful
             public sector, currently serving the health          employee benefit programs for our clients.
             and voluntary benefits needs of over 35,000          With Valley Schools, there is no one “model
             EMPLOYEES and their families. We use                 for all.” Clients benefit from flexibility and
             our experience to develop, optimize, and             freedom to keep or enhance their benefits
             implement the most competitive and robust            to suit management, administration, and
             employee benefits programs available in the          employee needs.
             market today.

             BETTER PRICING                                       BETTER RESULTS

             As a non-profit focused on the public sector,        Our goal is to help clients achieve rate and
             we understand the financial challenges               vendor stability, robust benefits and pricing,
             Arizona public school districts face when it         predictable budgeting, tighter claims control,
             comes to employee benefits and have built            enhanced benefit education, and ultimately a
             our consulting model with those challenges           happier, healthier employee base. Our five-year
             in mind. Our fixed employee benefits                 medical renewal average for all clients
             consulting fee is often 30% less than our            is 3.94%.
             for-profit competition.

             Contact us today
             to see how our best-in-class employee
             benefits consulting can help you meet
             the benefit needs of your employees at
             competitive, sustainable rates.
                                                                                    let’s talk

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