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Amid Pandemic, Procurement Officials Adding New Items to Their Shopping Lists
exception of the gloves, we have been able to meet our needs popping up since the coronavirus began, cautioning: “Make
with our vendors.” sure you are checking out these companies, that you’re not
just taking somebody for their word.”
Regarding an emergency procurement rule change, Staples
said COVID-19 has been added under emergency clause With some advice for vendors, McCleery said: “If you’re a new
schools already have. “It’s another tool in the tool box that we company, don’t think that we’re not going to do business with
can use for purchases,” she said. “But it’s not an exemption. you. We love new vendors, new sources, for items we need.
COVID-19 purchases not exempt from the rules. It’s just that But, we need to verify that the products you’re proposing to
you can use emergency procurement for those purchases.” us actually meet our needs.”
Spivey cautioned against using the COVID-19 emergency Spivey urged AASBO members: “Do your due diligence.
procurement for something that is not related to the pandemic. I’ve been inundated by vendors. Read the fine print. Some
“It’s an emergency purchase, not an exemption,” he said. of them seem like they’re offering some pretty spectacular
products and deals – then they want prepayment in advance
McCleery agreed: “You need to be really careful using that before the will even schedule your shipment. If you don’t have
emergency clause for an emergency. If it’s for an event that a relationship and don’t know anything about them and they
will happen next week, and you have to have these items or want you to send them a $24,000 check before they’ll send
services and don’t have time to procure, that would be enough. you any product, it’s probably better off looking somewhere
But if it continues weekly for six months, you have time to do else. So be careful.”
that procurement. You can’t extend the emergency time.”
Staples advised: “Work with a vendor who understands process.
Williams mentioned the increasing number of new vendors They have to be able to ship the product and then get payment.”
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