Page 22 - AASBO EDGE Back to School 2020.indd
P. 22

Amid Pandemic, Procurement Officials Adding New Items to Their Shopping Lists


        Williams recommended talking to a vendor on the phone
                                                                districts and with our vendors. If you’re making changes
        before issuing a purchase order to clarify the delivery timeline
                                                                from paper to digital, make sure you maintain records that
        and whether it’s something they actually have on hand. “Put
                                                                you normally would for auditing purposes. So when auditors
        them on the spot,” he said.
                                                                ask for them, you are still able to maintain compliance with
                                                                procurement rules and regulations.”
        When it comes to using funds from the Coronavirus  Aid,
        Relief,  and Economic  Security Act  (CARES),  Staples  said:
        “Be cautious with federal funds. Follow federal regulations.”
                                                                Bobby Williams II, Mesa Public Schools, can be reached at:
        The panel discussed the types of products they have been
                                                        and (480) 472-6124
        purchasing heading into a new school year. Spivey said it has
        been business as usual, except for purchasing some things he
                                                                Lari Staples, Dysart Unified School District, can be reached
        didn’t normally buy, such as Plexiglas.
                                                                at: and (623) 876-7010
        Staples said the biggest change for her was going paperless.
        “We finally made the switch from faxing PO’s to emailing   Roger Spivey,  Litchfield Elementary School District, can be
        PO’s,” she said. “With process changes, the biggest thing is   reached at: and (623) 547-1528
        staying in touch with people.”
                                                                Lila McCleery, Phoenix Union High School District, can be
        McCleery noted: “Zoom conferences have been huge in     reached at: and (602) 764-1404
        maintaining relationships among our departments, other

            Benson Systems is a provider of Life Safety, Security, Low
            Benson Systems is a provider of Life Safety, Security, Low
          Voltage Building Technologies, and HVAC systems, offering
          Voltage Building Technologies, and HVAC systems, offering
            Benson Systems is a provider of Life Safety, Security, Low
           a complete suite of services including Design, Installation,
           a complete suite of services including Design, Installation,
          Voltage Building Technologies, and HVAC systems, offering
                        Support, and Maintenance.
                        Support, and Maintenance.
 Benson Systems is a provider of Life Safety, Security, Low
           a complete suite of services including Design, Installation,
                        Support, and Maintenance.
 Voltage Building Technologies, and HVAC systems, offering
 a complete suite of services including Design, Installation,

         Support, and Maintenance.

              Life Safety      Security &       Mechanical,
                               Security &
              Life Safety     Low Voltage       Mechanical,
               & Fire
               & Fire
             Suppression      Low Voltage     Plumbing, Ducts
              Life Safety
             Suppression       Security &     Plumbing, Ducts
               & Fire         Low Voltage       Electrical,
             Suppression                      Plumbing, Ducts
        22                                                                     THE EDGE   BACK TO SCHOOL 2020

 Life Safety              Security &                             Mechanical,
 & Fire                 Low Voltage                                Electrical,

 Suppression                                                 Plumbing, Ducts
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